Otz's Killer Tier List (6.2.0) | Dead by Daylight

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This tierlist ranks all Killers in the upcoming patch based on how consistently they can win in public matches. Many of the placements were really difficult to narrow down, so I added some extra notes and commentary. Background footage is largely outdated, so don’t mind it.

Killer Portrait art from: https://twitter.com/hunnybe4r

0:00:00 Introduction
0:03:32 Nurse
0:05:26 Blight
0:06:50 Spirit
0:08:59 Artist
0:11:15 Plague
0:14:06 Oni
0:16:29 Pyramid Head
0:19:24 Wesker
0:22:33 Huntress
0:24:56 Hag
0:28:53 Twins
0:31:57 Pinhead
0:36:33 Cannibal
0:39:32 Demogorgon
0:42:07 Deathslinger
0:45:47 Nemesis
0:49:24 Dredge
0:53:53 Hillbilly
0:57:47 Trickster
1:02:58 Doctor
1:06:24 Legion
1:10:33 Ghostface
1:14:25 Pig
1:19:05 Wraith
1:21:57 Clown
1:25:27 Freddy
1:29:19 Myers
1:33:57 Onryo
1:38:57 Trapper
1:42:51 Outro

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


26 thoughts on “Otz's Killer Tier List (6.2.0) | Dead by Daylight”

  1. My only 2 problems with this list: hag is Top of B tier not A tier. Bubba should be in A tier. If you have ever faced a good bubba you will understand the pallet control is crazy and insta down ability is game changing no matter what stage of the game you are in.

  2. Funny how the worst killer and the best killer from the tier list comes as starters. lol

    Also, it sucks that Onryo is so bad… her whole design and power are so cool! She could use a little buff…

  3. I think that Clown could be more viable by changing his yellow bottles. Either by making them activate immediately, or by making them not affect survivors. I don't think both are nessecary, but either one would be a very nice QOL change.

  4. It’s great to see Slinger be in a decent place! Besides his horrendous mobility, his ability to secure kills right now is quite good, considering that you can’t use the endurance status effect while in deep wound, and his power applies it.

  5. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t huntresses lullaby have like a slight echo when she’s further away and as she gets closer the lullaby gets pounder and the echo fades away

  6. mr otz door va I get that camp tunneling isn't going to be as viable of a strat egery after the patch please stop mentioning the perk reassurance on every killer or I will spontaneously combust


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