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Over 4 HOURS of Legion gameplay!! | Dead by Daylight
hey all it’s PotatoLegion here I hope you’re keeping VERY well!
Well… Enjoy this one LOL! It’s a long one!
Over 4 hours of legion gameplay for you all to enjoy! I have been LOVING the new legion and been playing them tons!!
So enjoy!!
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Thank you all very much for watching! I hope to see you all in my future videos
– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
Yess I love your legion gameplay
Yes yes yes i hope i can stellt Steves in this Gameplay
La légende de SEXTINDER.Uno snowquen's est mon idole. C'est la personne que j'aspire à êtreg, c'est ma lumière du jour
4 hours of Legion gameplay truly this must be a blessing
Now this is epic
ফেলিসিডেস, এটি মিনাংকাবাউ উদাহরণ। 250 sentadillas son unos KIYOHARAA.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. 5:25 Dadi dejak ver que hay muy buenos ফলাফল 😍👍
I was just searching the other day for legion gameplay of you 😂
my doctor: you have only about four hours left to live.
5 gens
One player dead.
Other player gives up because it's genuinely pointless to keep trying.
Slugs em to punish them for reacting rationally.
"Why are survivors so toxic?"
This is beautiful… my wish since Ryuga did the rank climb with blank builds… THANK YOU!
1:02:24 Thankfully validation is more generous these days
1:13:00 Dead man's and Pop are good picks
1:28:44 That's how I fell in love with Legion all the way back. Now it's worth it
1:50:32 Yay!
1:55:48 I would have waited 5 seconds for DMS to come back
1:58:42 Hard agree
Hello potato, i hope you are Good. I have a question for you; can u make a video about +2hours trapper gameplay?
You can get green glyphs anytime in the match but they're only revealed (like the white glyph) in endgame and it's the first glyph where you can get more than 1 per match
You can have multiple of the same charm equipped now?
If you see this jus kno loving the best killer builds playlist rn , enjoying the bubba and pig gameplay
Yo how did u get that legion skin
Alright you've just convinced me to run PWYF on Legion. The amount of times you get 5th hit is insane. What an absolute gamer.