PAPER CHAINS! – Dead by Daylight!

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13 thoughts on “PAPER CHAINS! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. There's an exploit with the snowman I experienced. Basically if you hit the snowman right as the animation starts, the survivor will become invisible for the rest of the game and can still do everything as normal (sprint, do gens, bless totems, pull down pallets).

  2. Franklin's and Hoarder or you must tunnel if you don't want to use Franklin's for the box. He is essentially a worse clown, anti loop is awful and he can't even increase his movement speed.

  3. WTH has dbd become. It's now a hang with your friends simulator. Pin heads ability slows him down and not the survivor he hits? Amazing! Come on devs you've already neutered your killers now your just rubbing it in

  4. They’ve really just butchered this game… every killer or most nerfed to the absolute fucking ground man… I’m a survivor main, though I feel for the killer players who have to deal with the most bullshit swf toxic entitled kids… they nerf every killer to the ground and just please baby survivors…


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