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Part 1:

So while playing DbD we ended up running into the same toxic dbd streamer from a previous video and oh boy did things get worse.

DISCLAIMER: DO NOT harass anyone in this video. Harassment will result in ban from my community. Stooping to these level is not cute and is highly cringe.


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38 thoughts on “PART 2 SALTY STREAMER RAGES AT EVERYONE | Dead by Daylight”

  1. DRO, I love how no matter how rough the games get or how salty the players you're vsing get, you keep it lighthearted and keep it as fun as possible. This is what makes you a favorite streamer in this household.💖👩‍❤️‍👩🐉

    And on another note, who gets SO NITPICKY about every little thing in this game and then uses A CLEARLY WATERMARKED VIDEO IMAGE FOR THEIR STREAM 🤣🤣🤣

    But seriously, while no one deserves hate and harrasment, a streamer/player who threatens physical IRL violence, uses slurs etc has GOT TO GO. ✌️

  2. I applaud you for taking these threats like a champ. Even though I don’t harass these type of people, I too could not deal with these insults, threats, accusations, etc so I had to quit DbD All though I do want to play as pin head and sadako

  3. Oh so re***D isnt blurred but literally "lives" is. Like there are so many words that get blurred when im having fun with the killer yet that is, dbd is a joke at times.

  4. i get this all the time playing killer i hook someone go to the otherside of the map they kill themselfs on hook and i get a psn dm saying o thanks for the camping and tunneling

  5. Man,the fact these people are not getting banned is just sad.He doesn't deserve to be on twitch.
    This guy needs to get off his computer and take some fresh air,video games especially like dbd doesn't do him any favors

  6. Honestly, the people who get this angry over a GAME. I rarely play anymore, and this is one of the reasons. SO many people are mean for absolutely no reason, other than the fact that they didn't like the way someone chooses to play. I don't like being camped or tunnelled either, that's personally not my playstyle, but I'm also not going to attack someone for it. Also, YOU DIDN'T EVEN TUNNEL, so like, what?!? It's a game, and if I don't enjoy playing, I stop. When I do play with my friend, her and I just play for fun, and laugh at all the stupid things together, because what's the point if you're not enjoying yourself? Thank you for this video, because acting this way over a GAME is ridiculous, and absolutely uncalled for.

  7. Not the "stick and tired" 9:10 🤣🤣🤣
    I’m not one to judge but if someone were to argue with me, they would at least have to know how to spell cause I can’t concentrate on being mad at the other person AND deciphering what their typo meant, this grape can’t multi-task like that. 🤣🤣🤣

  8. Is it weird that I prefer being killed on hook than given a mercy hatch? If I find hatch on my own cool, but if I am caught and downed by the killer they should just claim their prize lol.

  9. I can be a salty survivor/killer even on stream but this is some next level delusional stuff I've never seen in my life. Who reports a killer for giving a survivor hatch & the survivor being given hatch??? wot?!?? i-

  10. I had a situation kind of like this. The dude messaged me privately and haras*ed me, then proceeded to get me banned Becuase he didn’t like how I played as killer. I did report him but he did not get banned.

  11. I have been watching this guy for a while and he is absolutely hilarious has no idea what survivor buzz words like tunnelling and face camping are. Also thinks every meta perk is garbage but always runs self care and other random stuff spends half the match hiding cause his spin chill goes off for a second. He is my favorite streamer cause of his constant tantrums bringing so many laughs. This is the first time I've seen him go true shit lord like this tho so I will be dropping a report on him.

  12. I reported his page, these people are so ridiculously miserable and really need therapy. They give the whole dbd community a bad rep and behavior really needs to get some control over this or they'll continue to lose players

  13. LMFAOOOO people like him are the reason why this game is so toxic, you can’t enjoy playing it cause there’s always that one person who thinks you have to play by their rules survivor or killer wise

  14. I’m sorry you had to deal with this form and level of toxicity and I’m glad you’re calling him out. Maybe this will humble him and teach him a valuable lesson. Way too many “griefers” and basement nerds get away with this sort of behavior. I think it’s our social responsibility to speak up about this, and hopefully it’ll reach the ears of those on the industry side to implement better safety/filtering measures. Big hugs bb. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being you.

  15. Crazy, I got this person as well literally on Thursday and I recorded my pov and he was streaming. Got mad for me camping, slugging (which btw, he said was holding the game hostage) reporting me saying that. It was funny. I did go into his stream, which btw, I know isn't right, but I wanted to educate him a little more. Think I might make a video on him now 😂

  16. My friend says tunnelling too I truly don’t think they know what it means. I think they just hear people who’ve played the game for a long time say it and then use it out of context. I try to correct him but now he’s too deep into the game where he thinks he can’t be taught lol😂😭😭😭

  17. I got suspended from ps network few days ago because i was, not salty but yet entitled because i looped the killer whole match then we died because of my random q, got few more days to go but i finally learnt that i won't give a shit anymore, if i die, i die, not worth it honestly.


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