Patch 5.1.1 Changes Trickster Again – Dead by Daylight

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29 thoughts on “Patch 5.1.1 Changes Trickster Again – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I feel like the “Trickster” thing could have been achieved by having knives that hit the ground/obstacles leave a pyramid-head-style hitbox for themselves, so you could trap a window or pallet or piece of grass with a half-hit. or even the inside of a loop. much higher skill ceiling and more interesting chase/mindgames

  2. But you don't understand. He's still really strong at camping. Not leatherface strong but still good enough to always gaurantee another down after the first hook. No amount of body blocking can stop knives. Just strafe left and right and it takes all 3 other survivors taking knives to prevent on person going down.

  3. so basically is still trash killer which is already forgotten and people hate him to play and against him as well.. still waiting for that trapper and legion rework btw… but yeah he can be an interesting concept, but hey can anyone is excepting something cool from these devs ? I dont

  4. I don't really follow DBD super closely but I love these videos where you just discuss a change or problem or something in DBD. I just realized after checking you channel that I've watched almost all of them for a pretty long time just getting recommended them, so thanks for the entertainment and thoughts homeslice.

  5. he is now borderline broken i have faced a few tricksters and the fact that he can still throw knives at you mid sprint burst doesn't allow you to get to a new loop or pallet or anything its just dumb trickster equals suicide on hook for me now till he is nerfed to nothingness again

  6. Scott he was definitely better then nurse because he could guarantee a 4K off a down god help you if he hooked next to one or two gens. Especially with someone like coconut that has god like aim. Literally melted survivors faster then nurse with less counter play then spirit. With these changes he’s now just a mid TEIR killer.

  7. they really need to remove that one guy as the head of the balance team & replace him with someone who can actually play the game well, listens to the community, and is overall more competent at their job. i swear every time they attempt to balance something it comes out laughably terrible. and the worst part is that they refuse to actually listen to criticism. like they’ll get a vague idea that the community wants something changed, but will go in the opposite direction of what the community actually wants. it’s just sad.

  8. If they're gonna make it so that unhooked survivors don't build up laceration, then blades should instead go through unhooked survivors so the one unhooking can't just use them as a shield.


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