People Still get THIS TOXIC over Bubba??? || Dead By Daylight

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So basically I still can’t believe people get this toxic over Bubba he’s such a good boy and I love him thank you to for the suggestion!! If you have any suggestions for toxic TTV videos be sure to join my discord, Whisper me on Twitch or message me on any of my handles!

#dbd #dbdkiller #toxic #cringe #rage #deadbydaylightsurvivor


18 thoughts on “People Still get THIS TOXIC over Bubba??? || Dead By Daylight”

  1. When the girl laughed and said "you can't say that" and the girl replied "well he is" the STREAMER SAID "I know but you can't say that on Twitch." People like this should have their Twitch access removed. No wonder why the community is so toxic. Disgusting behavior, I hope their parents are proud.

  2. This is why I'll never play this game against random people, 90% or more of the player base is as toxic like COD players and the game itself is so broken for anyone trying to get into it and start. That there's really no point, you'll never be able to have fun as killer just starting out because survivors are to brokenly op and those who play only survivor think it should be easy to win against killers when it should be very difficult to for even one survivor to make it out a live. Let alone three or four make it out it's a horror movie as a game barely anyone makes it out or survives and is how it should be in DBD.

  3. I play chase Bubba. I only just started playing him, but I know camping has never been my playstyle. But I've had people still DC against me just cause they get basement hooked, even though I was running lethal-bbq in order to chase other survivors

  4. Basement with 3 gens left, should just do gens because it’ll mean no pain res and he’ll need to walk to the gens if he has pop. Would be hard for him unless they are doing the gen that’s right next to the basement

  5. bodyblocking on basement stairs is what killers are supposed to do… That's just good gameplay on Bubba's part.

    Too many people live in backwards land where knowing how to play the game makes you bad, and losing chases repeatedly means you're good.

  6. I can get the frustration to some degree. I hate vsing bubba especially when 70% of the bubba i vs just camp or basement camp. (i also just simply dont like that he can insta down multiple people and his power is so short cooldown compared to others)

    But i never get pissed about it i just pull up a youtube video or listen to music or anything while im being camped and give the other survivors time to get gens done so he hopefully only gets 1kill. If i happen to get saved i take it but i 100% expect to be dead and dont even want anyone to risk dying over me.

    Getting this worked up is just goofy. Even complained he 'body blocked' like what you expect him to just let you out of basement on purpose?


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