Perma-Exposed Hag Build | Dead by Daylight

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Just a fun match showcasing a build centered around keeping Survivors exposed with Dragon’s Grip and Make Your Choice. We brought some really strong add-ons (which definitely helped) but it was still surprisingly effective. I used Remember Me and Hex: Plaything to attempt grabs at totems and gates, but you could totally replace those perks for more conventional ones.

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


29 thoughts on “Perma-Exposed Hag Build | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hey Otz have you thought about playing Elden Ring again to try for another ending? It was pure entertainment watching you play the first time and there is still so much to find and do.

  2. Hot take: Rusty Shackles is a lame addon because it makes the game less fun for both sides more often than not

    As survivor you no longer have any idea if you're safe or not and can't really play around traps in chase anymore because there's no warning or phantasm (given, there's not much you can do about traps in chase to begin with, but still)
    As killer you no longer get to have fun with phantasm mindgames wich make hag so hilarious (seriously, having people vault into you as hag because they thought you'd tele is probably one of the funniest things in the game)

  3. Watching someone who’s a master at a game will usually always be more fun than actually playing it, especially if we’re talking about Otz 😤

  4. Can somebody explain to me what's the point of PTB where things like add ons, perks and items aren't for free? Do BHVR srsly things that average player is Otz with few thousands hours in the game, that have everything on every character x50?


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