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In this video I provide you with some Plague gameplay showcasing her NEW Desperate Plea cosmetic. This cosmetic was originally release first on DBD mobile and now it has finally made its way to the core game! I provide you with many matches and builds and you will also get to see her Mori in this new S-TIER cosmetic. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:
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Now if we could only have the Mori's from mobile next 🥲
that skin is SLAYING!
(also first comment)
Who got the NEW Plague cosmetic?
Young granny video
Its very similar to the mobile ones but does have little differences here and there.
this skin is sick!!!!
Is the name of this skin Ghost Haunting?If yes then this is taken from DBD Mobile I have the gold and platinum version with the exclusive mori animation too,judt the textures and colours have been changed a bit for the DBD release.
10:43 bro you are insane that was amazing 😱🔥🫡
16:02 again I am just speechless.
22:27 Alright lets mori h..
I hear Steve bro what are you upto and then smacks him,that was the funniest part of the video for me😂
I just KNOW Negoose was BARKING when he saw that skin lmao
Omg she's beautiful
Those trick shot puke was insane
Mori's Steve
"Bruh that's sick"
I've seen already this sick skin, was 100% sure will found a fresh vid on your channel with it. I was right 😀
20:40 how come your puke is black here shouldnt it be green???
Yeah this was an instant buy for me. It's great.
What's your shader settings?
You're an insane Plague
Plague has been playing Diablo.
This skin is amazing, I bought it immediately. As a plague main, I can say we are winning today 🎊
10:44 trickshot😎
16:02 another epic trickshot. Honestly I didn't know that landed 👀 sheesssh
Skin maravilhosa ❤😂🎉 sua game Play é perfeita❤❤
Gorgeous skin!!! I love it!
Negoose Brazil loves you!! ❤️❤️❤️
this skin is GORGEOUS
negoose would you try dbd mobile some day?
i'm surprised that they bring a gothic skin to plague
Great video
I was about to say, three matches with no salt and then there's Ada…..
Negoose was crazy this video, getting all the crazy shots and applying pressure. Plague is one of his best killers and i know its his main but its always a treat to see his gameplay
Ihave this skin on mobile idk why don't it have special effects on pc
I feel like plage could be made so when she hits you with the black puke you get like 1% infected that way you get some extra value cause good survivors know not to cleanse
Does anyone use paddles as survivor? if so can you suggest what actions to bind to the paddles
Are the cosmetics temporarily or are they got to be in the shop permanently?
When I’m a killer: Crap, they’ve already done two gens!!!
When I’m a survivor: Crap, we’ve only done two gens!!
I think in mobile it’s called “Ghost Haunting”. Btw negoose can we get a live negoose reaction or first reaction next time a skin for hag or plague comes out?
Killer mains be like " this skin is so sick!! 😮😮"
Only sees %10 of the skin in game
bro its not mobile
I'm new here and really like your gameplay, but sometimes i can only watch one at a time, the commentary is repetitive and annoying at times.
That skin is fire