Playing killer on DbD at 2:30 AM in Europe be like … – Dead by Daylight

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6 thoughts on “Playing killer on DbD at 2:30 AM in Europe be like … – Dead by Daylight”

  1. You'll be chasing one of these survivors and think you'll get them and then they'll just rip something else out their ass to prolong the chase. Balanced landing, instaheal, bodyblock, FTP buckle up. It gets tiring

  2. I absolutely agree with you… You go watch other big streamers of dbd and you see horrible play by the survivors they go against, free hits, missed skillchecks, people sleeping while the killer is nearby or taking 2 hours to do one gen… Then this streamers will say till death that the game is balanced… They bring very situational and inconsistent builds and will say that is op, no dude it works only if the survivor do stupid stuff

  3. from what iv seen it comes down to the amount of second chance perks the survivor's can screw up as many times as they want but because they pile chance chance perks and sprint burst and balance landing they can just get away with it and the killer get screwed over no matter how well they played, iv been going up against people like this myself when I'm playing killer and it's not just in high mmr its across the entire game, is so unfair that I think alot of killers have just stopped playing because they feel cheated no matter how well the play

  4. Zeb you should really try some comp match. It's way more balanced and fun cause people can't use instaheals, 4 percents, FTP and bullshit like that that. Plus you are really good with every single killer


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