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Question, Scott Jund: what about matches where glitches or bugs end up costing you the game as Killer? Like the "Auto-Tantrum" Power Bug for Bubba? Or the "aim assist" Killer gets that can make you hit a different Survivor when you were, in fact, aiming at another one next to them?
Gotta send this video to TrueTalent real quick
i really hate watching people walk aimlessly around the map not even checking gens, lose and say "there's nothing i could've done, it's a 4man swf and i'm playing a weak killer"
i'm excited to see how many of those submissions you actually get, but i'm definitely more excited to see the genuine unwinnable games because there should be at least a few submissions that are in that true minority that would be interesting to watch
I do have a vid to send. I know I could of done things definitely (like slugging all 4 when they had unbreakable), but I tried to play fun and they had a spot in map on the game I could not get a hook and they found that out quickly and all ran there. I wanted to play cool and it bit me
Was legit kicked from a discord channel for telling survivor mains that slugging and camping was fair Play.
Oh man, I'm totally going to send a game in for this with my current rig. It's literally not powerful enough to play the game, so I can't possibly play perfectly, but also I want someone to see what I have to deal with lol
This reminds me a lot of Harstem's "Is it Imba or Do I Suck?" series for Starcraft, it's fun. I like the way he puts up a complaint form and a report card for the submissions, and roasts the submitters when they exaggerate or misrepresent the circumstances. Would recommend it 🙂
I hack so no game is unwinnable
Honestly you can say that aswell for survivor. I mean if you consider escaping a win and a good survivor runns a killer for 5 gens and get camped then I could spam your mailbox into infinity. But as you said this game is busted af.
I've told survivors before that complain and talk shit "you have to tunnel you are forced to tunnel, etc etc." As much as it sucks it's a necessary evil that killers have to resort to…(at high MMR)
On another not can we talk about how you can't pressure multiple survivors by injuring and forcing them to waste time to heal or risk staying injured because Circle of Bullshit exists…seriously why did the devs think an infinite medkit self heal was a good idea?
Unsubscribed, there are infinite decisions that can have different outcomes. You can play a perfect match and your opponents can and escape. To actually point out another possible route in a video is just… not worth watching. Perhaps focus on something like balancing SWFs like VHS? The insanity when you look at this idea is basically two women nattering about something that resolves nothing except the benefits of making noises
What about my game a few months ago where I got DS'd 7 times by the same guy?
This honestly sounds like a really good series idea that a lot of people can learn from;
A lot of people have that mindset that they played perfectly, but never go back to see the mistakes they made. Hopefully this helps both sides get better at the game
thing is playing perfectly as a killer is 100x harder than playing perfectly as a survivor so u have to be way way better than the survivors (if they have brain cells) to beat them
For the purposes of these reviews does killer choice factor into the unwillability? For example, does a match where I play as Clown on Red Forest where I have a meta loadout (but not Redhead's) for gen slowdown, and the survivors are also running meta with BNPs, and I still lose because gens pop before I can start any form of snowball count? Does choosing a subpar killer on a bad map count as a "mistake" for this, or is that out of my hands and therefore the game is "unwinnable"?
They should add a mechanic, when you load in a game against a bubba and they decide rather than actually playing the game, they're gonna aim to down someone no matter how many gens and individually camp each survivor or make a build around basement with bubba then get a down on 5 gens and camp, this mechanic should just allow you pull out an RPG or something and completely nuke the player, or something similar
I'm still mad, he baited the fuck out of me, I almost reinstalled.
God i wish i had started recording games earlier. i had the perfect game that would show off this from about 3 months after the hillbilly nerf that i remember perfectly.
Obviously the game was in a very different state back then, but it was an example of perfect survivors vs perfect killer play in my own opinion.
I had hillbilly with the carberator and speed addons, and they had two object of obsessions, multiple ds's, unbreakables and sprint bursts. me with bbq, ruin, tinkerer and i believe undying.
The movement speed penalty of the chainsaw was perfectly exploited around every loop. the tinkerer procs were allowing the survivors with object to see me due to a lack of terror radius and make perfect calls of me moonwalking around structures like shack.
I had multiple, upon multiple slugs at a time, even having 3 people slugged at once i believe, and yet an incredible saved sprint burst from across the map with a flashlight (with me knowing said person shouldn't be able to get there in time due to having seen the last person with a bbq from a hook, saved the entire game and flipped it on its head.
All progress reversed, said person now having ds that i had to respect after the unhook, and people being immediately saved off the ground.
in minimum words. it was hell. it was also on autohaven, the map thats shaped like an hour glass, thats really easy to make 3gens on by making sure all generators are done on one side.
They managed to get out of a 3 gen in the first two minutes of the match, perfectly splitting gens so i'd have to pressure them cross maps.
i felt like i could do nothing, yet similtaneously downing everyone multiple times. everyone was under pallets, or in range of flashlight saves, or had some form of safety net for me to be unable to hook immediately.
And i lost with probably about 5 hooks, and 12 or more downs. It was an incredible war of attrition, trying to fight perfectly, to make sure i wasn't going to lose.
Since then i've only really had two games come close to that. one where i played blight about 7 months ago where i only won due to some slight clumsiness end game, and one where i lost to 4bnps as oni on midwitch.
Getting everyone on death hook is a win to me tho. 8 hooks are fun for both parts imo
Can't wait for all the killers who over commit to chases, run "meme builds", weak addons and get outplayed at every loop to submit videos about how survivors are overpowered and there's literally nothing they could have done to win
The issue with this is subjectivity. Ones perfect game is not the same as another’s. Like you said, you could 100% tunnel and face camp for a win, but that’s not a perfect game IMO. I’d like to be able to be a fun non toxic killer while still maintaining a 2-3k minimum
If you play certain killers in certain maps sometimes it doesn't even mater What perks are you running or if you're playing as scummy as possible
The only way to win is to be a "dick". You can't hook every survivor 3 times, theres just not enough time.
Just review Tru’s killer videos. I don’t wanna strawman the man but he goes on and on about games being un winnable matches for him. Also I’m a fan of the man not trying to throw genuine shade just someone needs to take him down a peg if possible.
*Proceeds to spam videos of Ghostface on corn maps…*
I love this idea! I can have a reason to play killer now and watch back the footage to see what I am doing wrong!
Having put 5000 hours into this game I still feel like I'm not good enough to even remotely call if it's unwinnable or not
the fact that people think them losing in general is the game's fault more often than it is their's is already a bad argument and mindset to have. Yeah the game's frustrating, but frustrating doesn't mean impossible. no one's gonna win every single match they play, even if they "play perfectly." I don't think this game is even worth taking that seriously to be honest lol.
I think you would have found out that most people refuse to believe they might have played Wrong. It's easy to put the blame on something especially when it's a community known fact that the game is unbalanced. I don't think I have ever seen someone on Forum acknowledge that they probably had made mistakes it was always how the game was the problem. With that I said I do think that that a Killer HAS to play perfectly. He can't mistakes is where the problem lies imo. Doing one mistake as a killers feels like you essentially threw the match while a Survivor can just make mistakes left and right then get picked back up by three other people or their perks which is why I believe some people are saying matches are unwinnable.
My problem with this is I'm the killer. Ya know….I'm the monster in a horror movie. Unless this is Resident Evil where every survivor are a swat trained badass with ninja skills, how hard should I have to play just to get a 1 or 2k?
I had a match as legion on autohaven with multiple boon totems. I had enduring on so i could brute force every pallet if i needed but my power was essentially pointless. Couldn't spread injures to multiple survivors since they get healed up instantly while you chase someone injured.
How lo g you leaving this email open
While I believe it’s obvious that most of this “unwinnable” matches won’t be played perfectly, I do believe that some teams are good enough to make a match unwinnable even with perfect play (again, something we all agree).
The reason I make this comment is to critique the word “win”. Not knowing win conditions for each player isn’t a DBD only problem. When you play Dark Souls after many hours and talent you might think you lose for using a single Estus or whatever challenge condition you’re doing like no hit or speedrun. When playing Cod you might only care about kills only, every time you lower that KD or don’t get a Nuke/Moab/V2/highest streak reward whatever you feel like a loser, even if you “win” that Domination match 0-200.
What I’m saying is that while Scott set the bar on 3K and we probably will get some interesting matches, I can’t help but to think some killer players out there acknowledge the skill of the enemy team and consider the 0K match a win cause they did the best the game would allow, and paradoxically I do believe many of the 4K’s good killer players get don’t feel like a win because the enemy team just started throwing the game by doing stupid saves and slowing down on that 2-1 last gens.
Feel free to speak your mind, kind reader!
Thats exactly how I feel! I always feel like I'm doing well, but I still lose or get heavily stressed out. I know I'm making a few mistakes, and a couple of my chases last longer than I'd want, but I always still lose or almost lose.
Edit: my mindset will probably change the more I play killer, though. I play another game that I've gotten pretty good at it, and I remember getting really frustrated when I didn't know how to counter certain characters so I just whined and demanded nerfs and reworks lmao.
I do not see DBD getting fixed. The problem stems from it's very foundation, the killers and survivors are working towards different goals meaning that it is possible for survivors to complete their objective and win regardless of how effective the killer plays. It's more than a balance issue, the game itself was bad from it's conception
the problem is that often times one mistake as killer can cost you the whole game but it takes more than one mistake for the survivors especially when counting the amount of second chances that survivors have to save the game from multiple mistakes.
I'd care if your last video didnt break my heart
I’ve always treated DbD like a race; whoever makes the least mistakes wins.
Pointless exercise. Hindsight is 20/20. If I went left instead of right I would’ve have won. But at the time how could you possibly know.
Does it matter which killer people choose? I mean put a mf with pig on rpd and the chances of that game being unwinnable probably goes way up, or like a hillbilly with speed limiter and 110% on lery’s against a four man and everyone has either boon circle of healing or self care, lucky break, iron will, and an exhaustion perk
Don't worry Scott, that 7.0 patch will fix those tiles :^)
Had a match just today actually as Bubba where they sent me to Haddonfield, and I played as well as I could, but of course being Haddonfield with little to no map pressure because of the killer I was playing, 3 gens popped very very quickly, so I switched up my normal method of play of trying to play super respectfully and 12-hook the survivors to just basement camping the next guy I managed to down, just to secure 1 kill, and lo and behold the survivors got extremely greedy and it ended up costing them a huge win. "Won" the match so to speak with 3 kills at the end instead of just the 1, so I wholeheartedly agree with what you said, Scott, about how the way you play you think can be perfect, and that the match is just simply "unwinnable" at a certain point, but really if you switch it up and do something different it can actually make the unwinnable games winnable again. Really well spoken! In the words of another fantastic DbD content creator we all know and love, "Rough start? Don't give up!"
As a legion main, I get a good portion of unwinnable matches due to my high MMR
Yeah ‘unwinnable’ matches are rare but matches where you’re the odds as killer are highly stacked against you from the very start so you have very little chance given that you will probably make a few mistakes as any killer would in that match are pretty fucking common due to MMR
Let's play Deathslinger, that will be easy to get unwinnable game..
It's often not: I lost, but I could play better.
It's more likely: I lost, I should have tunnel sooner.