Please delete RPD… – Dead by Daylight

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I slowly descend into madness over the course of this match.

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31 thoughts on “Please delete RPD… – Dead by Daylight”

  1. My matches have been fast af recently too, i’ve been having to play like a wanker on my main. Slugging, running double or triple slowdowns, sweating, and it’s hard considering i play Trickster, a C or B tier killer. I can win consistently but it’s losing fun

  2. If you didn’t know, they’s an also an survivor exploit on RPD library. Where if you down them up top, they is no nearby hook from what I’ve seen from another DBD YouTuber , no that I approved of it ( Just going to be annoying playing as killer ) 🙄🙄🙄

  3. I understand how killers would hate this map but survivors? Really? It’s such a strong survivor map. Insanely powerful map that pretty much guarantees a win for survivors. If you’re a survivor struggling on this map then I suggest you get better ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  4. The gameplay and quality of the video were great, but damn was it exhausting and repetitive to hear you complain about the game and how trash it is, I get it, but as a viewer, most of us are trying to chill to see a good sports in a great mood gameplay, and again it’s not that you shouldn’t get annoyed at such things, just don’t talk about it the whole video especially when it’s not the main subject of it

  5. Personally I like the map but that’s because I remember it from when I played RE 2. However I can understand the frustration with movement killers that aren’t wraith on these maps.

  6. What enfuriates me in this game is that you get robbed on small things as a killer and most of the time It costs me a match, and when a surv does a missplay most of the time they would have second chances


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