Pro Player Gets Caught Cheating In Tournament | Dead by Daylight

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In this video I will show you how a veteran comp player by the name of Damage went rogue and tried to use wallhacks in a tournament match, sadly for him he made it a tiny bit too obvious.
One of the people he played against was a friend of mine ArrayGamer a top tier blight player which showed me the games. At first I could not believe what I was seeing would someone with such a list of tournament achievements and over 9000 hours really cheat in a tournament setting?
After watching the games a few dozen times I am convinced that the answer to this is yes.
I asked a lot of my high hour friends about their opinion and all of them agreed that this is not normal
On that very day he actually did not play on his main account, that account got hacked and he was playing on his 6 day old smurf. I hope you enjoy
The Team he played against:
Thanks to the Tourney Host for letting us use the footage!
I hope you enjoy the video!
Main Channel:
0:00 Intro
0:51 Wesker Match
11:40 Blight Match
24:02 Conclusions


35 thoughts on “Pro Player Gets Caught Cheating In Tournament | Dead by Daylight”

  1. So u cant be sure for 100% that no one cheating against you especially in public and u cant check this to be sure that the problem is not in ur skill or smth else. But that doesn't mean that we should paranoic like some streamers. I believe that we should play more for fun but not only for result.

  2. Listen I cheated in csgo and I’ve cheated in the highest ranks and I’ve seen what legit pros look like and let me tell you something right now as an ex cheater NOBODY legit has 100% info at all times even with 4 aura reading perks you’re not going to bullshit someone who’s cheated before I’ve looked through walls and done what this idiot has and even in DBD nobody should have perfect info at all times sure people can pop off and have extremely good awareness that’s fine but it cant be perfect 100% and his info was 100% perfect he always went to areas where there were survivors ALWAYS he never F’ed up once ya he’s fucking cheating he’s dogshit on blight anyway. Like imagine cheating in a competitive tournament where there was money on the line even I didn’t do that 🤣 so i don’t want to see you bozos coming here and saying “skill diff” it’s very apparent to me as someone who’s cheated in cs b4 that this guy is hacking you don’t just randomly do what he does watch virtual or any other pro killer watch otz too he messes up sometimes we’re all humans.

  3. @Hens were the commentators live streaming? It's not that hard to cheat and have another person tell the killer the time clock position of the survivors. I've been on a comp team that has done exactly that and win. Alot of his faints seem like game sense to me. At the highest MMR this is all i get. Sooo not that questionable for me.

  4. I thought it was bad enough going against the subtle hacker with walls and like 3% speed boost. But imagine going up against the 9000 hour killer main with walls! Fuck me props to yall for making it through that and not just being like "Yeah thats enough DBD for today."

  5. Cant believe people are still suprised by this with the amount of money you can pull from tournemants its just so much more then the hacks would cost you have to understand hacks are not what they used to be where youd just download some shit a lot of money goes around in it these days

  6. 9:24
    Killer finally has a killer sense marker to give direct locational info thats even relatively close by….

    Instead flies off to nowhere land where the adam magically happens to be.

    Thats so cooked.

  7. See I'm not crazy, I've had multiple games like this where the killer has no aura perks, I'm not injured, hiding somewhere random and the killer ALWAYS seems to know exactly where everyone is.

  8. Meh. Killer is about game sense, intuition and guesses. You can't go back and forth, you need to make decision and kind of stick it to it. Looks sus, but in all honesty, my games would look equally sus and I didn't cheat.

  9. so let me get this straight. There was zero evidence lol just this video and speculation. Then he gets his pc searched and nothing is found. I do agree his plays were not the ordinary plays for sure and could be suspicious….. unless hes proven to cheat how can someone bash him and also clickbait with this video. Because he didnt get caught.

  10. This dude is so damn obvious with it holy crap. I can get the random lucky decisions now and then such as checking the tower instead of the hill gen, but some things are so blatantly obvious. Right after that tower check and he got a hook on Ace, he went straight to the 3 survivors healing in a spot that was at best half decent. It was shack window and the 4 lane that they had for safety, that's not the first place I'd think to check. Hell considering the last info he had, Kate was at the tower and Dwight finished the gen beside it. What reason would he have to believe they ran across the map to triple up on healing in a meh spot given what was available.

  11. I'm so sad about this, it makes SA look so bad. I also think, if there are videos with the comms from D3 and his team, because there might be more info about him cheating and possibly his teammates also knowing, I'm saying this because of NeaPistea's case…
    I'm chilean and in Reudigs worldcup there was also a chilean comp player, NeaPistea, that was caught cheating. Thing is, Pistea and his team got banned from the worldcup because of him cheating and the others because of covering up his cheats. The worst part is that in the comms it was very obvious that they knew he was cheating and they actually joked about it. I might be bad mouthing, but I also think after watching the video that he clearly cheated and that most likely he was also prepared to delete all evidence. Pistea also "deleted" the programs when his PC was going to be checked but the brazilian hackers that checked his PC found the programs anyways so that's why I think daamage3 could've known about the issues. Hope is only badmouth and his teammates weren't aware of this. Thanks for the video Hens


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