Pure Massacre By The Doctor! – Dead by Daylight

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== F.A.Q ==
My Character’s Fan Art

My Streaming Gear

Who is the blue hair girl?


My Intro Song – Aests – FIGHT!

My Outro Song – Watchy


31 thoughts on “Pure Massacre By The Doctor! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I just had something like the first game happen to my pyramid head yesterday. It was a swf and they broke the hook so I put them down, instead of running away they tried to heal them even after I hit them, and once they were down someone else did the same thing and I had a 4K in like 5 minutes and they called me a slugger because they kept running into me

  2. I don't get the fast killing though, what is fun about that and slugging everybody so quickly? like let people play and make some points and have fun, being so toxic when being a red rank is getting old and sad, I can't believe that green ranks are right now the most fun to play with, like of course you have to kill everybody but jeez at least make the game interesting and by far the worst of the worst in DBD are red ranks both survivors and killers, at the end of every match the say EZ and call other's names ,like why? why making a game so toxic? is their lives that miserable ?

  3. Strong doc build for anyone that reads this, started off as a troll build that quickly got out of hand from its strength, called the ‘Make them Scream’ build – Iron Maiden, Make your Choice, Dragon’s Grip, & Whispers. The objective is information combined with pressure. Whispers is something I refuse to drop but I wanted only perks that rely on making survivors scream/give me easy one shots. Devour Hope switched out for Dragon’s Grip is also a strong recommendation but overall at rank 1 I will win about 9/10 games running these perks. The exposed effect on doc in the hands of someone that understands how to shut down looping with his power is unarguably OP

  4. Cockblock Doc: Pop, Thrilling Tremors, Corrupt Intervention, Surge

    Idea is to down a survivor, have surge telegraph that they're on a nearby gen – then static blast RIGHT as you pickup to block the gen with TT (static blast knocks them off the gen) while you hook, then pop it if they stayed on or apply to a different one.

  5. I like Distressing, Unnerving Presence, Overcharge, and Huntress Lullaby/Surge/something to find people like BBQ. It has so much gen suppression that it is practically impossible to lose to gens. I use purple calm and order.


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