Q&A Livestream January 2022 – Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

A rebroadcast to YouTube of the Dead by Daylight Q&A Livestream

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34 thoughts on “Q&A Livestream January 2022 – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I abuse the hell out of this mmr system as a killer. I let all survivors escape despite getting 6-8 hooks and I’m bullying the hell out of the babies that these devs want to stay lol I literally don’t let them get gens done nor kill them until they dc 😜😜😜

  2. 22:50 it's really sad to watch how the Lead Game Designer reacts to this question. It depicts perfectly how little they care about implementing QoL changes for us when there's no financial incentive for them. So there's no interest in improvement, that's really lazy of them. And the player base is still dropping….

  3. In terms of progression and grade rewards why can't we get iridescent shards? I don't understand why we get so little of these things. I get it would hurt their income but fuck man they make enough money as is

  4. What that hockey compassion make little to no sense. Sports are way different than video games. You still need to count how long you get chased and efficient you are. Just like in hockey if never cared about the saves, then what’s the point of playing. Just my take

  5. … I do believe gens need to slow and MMR system needs to try and consider extra factors but all of this takes time. People were so hateful during the stream but keep in mind they said a few food changes too and I saw very little excitement or gratitude towards it.

    What they said makes sense that they don't want MMR so strong that people are waiting long queues.

    My suggestion is to incentives killers more than survivor to switch more players into playing killers than current status. Perhaps make it so BP farming is a thing that people can do on killers. I dislike playing killers because I find it boring to play alone but for BP farming I would… For example change the max BP cap to 40-45K for killers, add a mechanism that even if you worse a swf of any combo then you get x1.25 BP buy you only find out about at the end of the game so we don't have a situation were killers deliberately avoid lobbies.

    Make a system where you can buy shards with BP so it forces people to earn even more BP. Or make cosmetics that you can buy with BP buy they cost 2M-3M.

    Either way I can understand that killers need love in this game and people are tired of having to put more effort into being a killer vs a survivor. I feel like I am playing intensely as a killer as opposed to when I play a survivor.

    Hopefully things change for the better but crying and name calling devs stuff isn't gonna solve anything… there are tons of things yall dont understand… more than you they want the game to stay alive because for them it's their livelihood.

  6. What a terrible Q&A and what a terrible team of devs. Answered probably one or two questions and gave absolutely 0 transparency on what they are actually doing. Let’s play a game? I’ll play killer and facecamp you to death while your “skilled” teammates sit on gens and play skillcheck simulator then I’ll kill one of them with NOED.

  7. They need to make it so all the survivors in a match are tied together when it comes to points. Instead of making it so each survivor has separate points based on what that individual does. They need to make it so each and every point is evenly distributed between each survivor. So if one survivor dies and everyone else escaped, then each survivor in the match gets 3/4 of the maximum amount of points in the match. Causing each one to gain the exact same amount of MMR.

  8. at this point I dont care anymore. the game just isn't fun and it's clear the devs have a specific view of the game that is so different from the community. to be fair it's their game, just sad I bought it at this point.

  9. I can honestly say the matchmaking system is absolute garbage. It’s worse than it was when we had ranks 1-20, absolute downgrade. I get the full skill spectrum in all my matches, game straight up feels like there isn’t any matchmaking at all. Why?
    1. Because escape/die is not a measure of skill
    2. Because half your player base is sick of your shit, quit, and there aren’t enough players for the matchmaking to work

    I am so disappointed in Behaviour and the direction of this game. I loved it, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in such a bad state.
    And the fact that they defend the sbmm just goes to show that this game is dead. If we’re still at the defending stage, there won’t be a fix for years to come.



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