Queue Times Changed / Theories – Dead by Daylight

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24 thoughts on “Queue Times Changed / Theories – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm sorry to break it to you but DBD is not a pinnacle of gaming , people are bound to get tired of the game or simply have enough of games bullshit , in the end it's good that players are leaving to play something else whne BHV is being BHV again and again .

  2. You can look up the concurrent player base though…. I don’t think there was ever a mass exodus of killers. I think BHvR effed up their servers around the time they had the DDOS issue – I was constantly queuing as survivor in South America … when o first joined in sept 21 survivor que was instant and killer took forever- πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ I think more people play killer and have always done so but BHvR jacked up the servers

  3. One factor that seems to have been overlooked is the fact that survs quitting may also have something to do w/ the fact that they have been facing a stale meta since forever, routinely deal w/ bs like windows/pallet slides still not being server-sided, and now this past update cycle has given the game yet another anti-pallet killer who's no fun to run against. Then survs kinda maybe got something new in the form of Boil Over buff, which could've maybe, just maybe been good enough to finally give survs something new to play w/ and still be viable, but then it got nuked. What didn't get nuked? Dead Man's Switch + Pain Resonance, which is literally hell to play against, especially on Artist. Killer has so many more ways to go about doing things, they can do rundying, they can run a devour build, starstruck on some killers, this new DMS + PR combo, pentimento's a thing, they've got infectious fright, maybe they go for endgame builds like No Way Out, Blood Warden, NOED, maybe they try to blunt the early game blitz w/ Lethal, Corrupt, etc., and killers all have different powers and playstyles. Survs get to learn maybe 3-4 roles (and being the gen jockey is boring as hell most of the time), and have to routinely orbit a small sliver of perks that have been in the game since the age of dinosaurs, bc most new perks are genuinely worthless against good killers. The only major exceptions to that were boons (kinda, the healing one mostly and even then it can get survs killed if they try to set it up more than doing gens), overcome (situational, depends on the role/playstyle) and boil over (formerly). All this while killers are apparently the ones who're truly suffering despite routinely killing 2 or more survs in their matches, and seemingly always getting something new to play w/ that's at least half viable, certainly at a greater rate than survs do. Sure, as someone who mostly plays killer, there's a lot of shit killers have to put up w/ and need to be changed, especially for low tier killers. Why it's so hard to accept that statement's also true for survs, I'll never know. I for one don't blame either side for being resentful. It's just no surprise to me that w/ the direction this game is heading (more anti-pallet bs, at best a trickle of good surv perks going forward, old undying and old Spirit finally getting nerfed only for Artist + DMS/PR coming in) survs I know, who run the gamut of skill and playtime, are drifting further and further from the game. We always talk about killer shortages/boycotts or whatever. Honestly, I'd quite like it if survs returned fire for once in recent memory.

  4. Hey Scott! Interesting theory, love your videos! Something else I could think of is maybe Behaviour changed the MMR interval for killers that play high MMR survivors in the patch allowing more killers at lower MMRs to face higher MMR survivors. So then high MMR killers would be competing with more killers in the queues.

  5. I think you're overthinking this. If new games come out, pulling players away from DBD, it's more likely to pull survivors away because their queue times are worse.

    Also, the new archives just came out Wed morning, which probably has more people playing killer to complete those challenges.

    I've also noticed myself being placed onto EU servers more often, so they may have done that to smooth out queue times as well.

  6. They may have also just relaxed the MMR a bit. I went to play killer for the first time in a while yesterday (on trapper who I've barely played) and almost every game I was getting matched against red ranks pretty quickly even though I was Ash 2.

  7. I played a game today with my partner and we both have quite similar high mmr from what I know and we got a meg that had 6.2 hours in the game and only green perk tiers and we versed a blight with roughly 500 hours, something about mmr is not working as intended

  8. imo SWF means if there are more games around, on a 4-man the odds of at least one person being busy there are far higher than when you have a pool of single player "groups" – or rather, the same odds, but on a 4-person groups if a single dude is busy with the other game that disrupts all four people, rather than just the one. And it's also possible that if your SWF isn't available, you might just deal with your thirst alone by playing killer (because soloq requires a particular type of person).

    So I wouldn't say that new releases attract survivor players disproportionately, they're just more likely to break SWFs apart, because it only takes one guy playing the other game to disrupt your group, and then maybe you don't even want to play without the guy and you go do other stuff or… play killer alone.

    We always had a higher Killer/Survivor ratio during the day – the time where SWFs aren't around due to work/etc. And we always had a higher Survivor/Killer ratio during the evenings – the time when everyone comes home from work and SWFs form. So it's not crazy to think that some other variable that breaks SWFs (new releases) would give similar results to "people are busy with (work/school/college)". In the end, it's the same result – "my friends aren't here so we can't SWF, guess I'll either go killer or play something else".

  9. Survivor is impossible to have a normal decent game I play with my GF and the 2 randoms we have have NEVER had even half a braincell so I feel like solo que survivors are for sure playing other games because its just the most frustrating thing


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