Random Killer & Perks Roulette Ep. 30! | Dead by Daylight Builds

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg


Website that I use for randomization – https://dbd-randomizer.com/

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32 thoughts on “Random Killer & Perks Roulette Ep. 30! | Dead by Daylight Builds”

  1. Pinheads Original Pain Add-on is pathetic because it only applies the Deep wound IF the survivor struggles out of one of your guided chain attacks (M2/Power/Ability button), and only IF they don't break the chains on the environment, another player, or you. Basically it only gives its advantage if you hit them in the middle of a dead zone, and don't catch up fast enough to strike them. However, it does pair interestingly with the nerfed Engineers Fang, although it becomes nothing more than a time waster overall.

  2. NO WAY TOFU. You went for a anti-synergy futive+stbfl (one making you chase the obsession, the other making you avoid it) instead of the sweet make your choice synergy. Once you hook the obsession, make your choice makes the unhooker exposed and furtive chase tells you "THAT is the person that is exposed". NotLikeThis Tofu

  3. Am I missing something? Because I really don't understand why you'd want STBFL with furtive chase unless you planned on tunneling, but even then, especially with slinger, you eventually lose stacks hitting the obsession. I definitely would've gone with make your choice since you had to use furtive. Might as well get max stacks for it.

  4. Your problem is your not protecting your box enough. Make them get chained. It slows them down so much. Especially when you interact with the box. Letting them solve it, allows them to rush the game

  5. Otz once showed how to use that purple Pinhead addon!

    You can hella counter Borrowed Time by chaining the person saved, letting them break out (which triggers deep wound and also uses the BT hit) then you can just down them right after they break out!


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