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10 minutes late but I know I will love this vid. Just hearing Tofu rambles makes my day.
Monstrous Shrine is actually a good perk on her, since she can cheese it by camping on the top of the staircase of the basement while harassing people on gens with victor.
As one of the two twins mains on this planet, I believe the nail add on actually ain’t bad really. I use it instead of the purple speed when I run out of them
I was wondering if you could use the build: surveillance, ruin, undying, discordance/dead man's along with legions new fuming mixtape? I've used it quite a bit and got great value
circle can really fuck over twins since you want to keep people injured to let Victor go on his rampages
tofu putting the onryo in timeout while he's waiting for a game never ceases to amuse me
9:13 "No one escaped."
Cat's Eye is my favorite add-on on Twins. Silent Victor is my worst nightmare
Lol these builds cracked me up
Those constant boons kill!
How do u always make such funny and good videos JMOU
First game, both sides clearly played enough hockey
Hey Tofu, I really want to do this kind of thing for myself, but I don't have every perk on every killer. I have all teachable unlocked and all killers level 50. But the grind just doesn't seem very possible anymore. Any tips?
Can someone count how many pallets he kicked in the onryo game lol
I apreciate how he is always posting videos to make our day happy 61R
7:39 missed opportunity to use Victor to block exit gate for her :C
As a main surviving the current metta I do be cleansing them dull totems lol
Thought it was ARTIST gameplay, ONRYŌ? bye!
The survivors on that first game must've all spawned in each individual corner and they just so happened to be the gen jockey types. It's why Mother's Dwelling can feel so unwinnable sometimes, the spawns in this game can be so nasty.
Are you still going to try the Rancor challenge?
Uh. Why did he get points for "No one escaped" in the twins game? Two people clearly escaped.
I’m waiting for the day where he gets hag.
26:00 "I'm surprised I'm doing ok with Sadako on The Game". Actually The Game is a decent map for Sadako because it's an indoor map, which helps her with her Stealth, and also because if you know your way around that map being able to teleport to the TVs is really handy on it since it gives you even more ways to go up and down levels on it.
Hey Tofu!
Do you have the hillbilly disabled because i have not seen him in a very long time?
Pentimento is decent when The Archive has a cleansing totem challenge, I always keep my eye out for when it pops up.
Idk if it's just me but the survivors in the 2nd game took way too long to do gens.
I love hearing you ramble while you play
so good!
Dam if I was playing that second match all those gens would have been done in 5 minutes u got lucky lol
These randomizer videos are my favorite
This is my favorite series I'm watching on YouTube right now!
I truly think spies is an okay perk if you run it on undetectable killers, you get info from it very often if the survivors cant literally see you.
The problem is undetectable killers dont really have a whole lot going for them, especially so if youre not on a indoors map, so spending a perk slot on something thats just ok for info feels kinda bad, why run spies which doesnt really synergize with anything when you can instead run a hex build or a full game delay or whatever the hell build…
No offense, I didn’t watch the last video
I'd share my lunch box with you Tofu
about the hands going visible and invisible, i don't think it takes into account for ping. whenever im memeing with sadako and try to phase in front of someone they always react while the hands say i'm invis – even with duration addons
you should make videos using all the meme add ons for killers (like how you do the iri ones)
I really don’t understand how the game still exists in its current state. They could remove 10 pallets, and it still wouldn’t be good enough to even the map out
maybe you could have got the felix too with victor and then he couldnt leave
Twins game:
Oh no this gen has so much progress
proceeds to not use call of brine