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It’s been awhile since we have played singularity but today we have two solid games and one that shows the crazy comeback potential!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the Rank 1 Singularity Gameplay!
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#dbd #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears
Thanks for the frequent uploads
its brutal str stack with singularity skill ? did anyone know ? or it was not worth it i just curious about it
My favorite thing to do as killer is camp and tunnel!
Red feeding us good 👌
Mommy’s dwelling without mommy 😣
I notice you slug allot why is that !!?! I feel like it waste more time but when you do it’s world perfectly
Fun watch! Been enjoying the content, gg!
Last game was CLOSE! I didn't think you were gonna pull it back
Ok I get the rest. But why sloppy butcher?
This is the song forn this video!
Another great set of matches. The way you handle singularity and provide context of what your moves are makes it a great demo. of what it can really do.
4:23 White woman jumpscare
Jokes aside, that was perfect timing lol, you cant make that up. I think Singularitys power is cool, I'm just kinda eh on the design of him. But it's really satisfying seeing how you set your cameras up and pod jump to get the drop on the Survivors
Evening Red, love the content. I ended up running into you on stream around 2 months ago playing Nemesis and we got Midwich, all I gotta say is good game, it was very well played and your entire team was very coordinated!! I don’t think you remember but I did the second this upload came up on my feed!! Again, love the content and since you were positive to me, I wanted to pay the positivity forward in your comment section!! Keep up the good work man!! 🔥
I rarely get to catch a stream, but this one was a delight to see. Great to get the double take!
Damn…No breanking down today huh?
such a good killer
Day 2 of asking for the clown
Build idea Red!
Bounty Hunter Deathslinger
– Make Your Choice
– Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage
– Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
– (Your Choice)
– Wardens Keys
– Modified Ammo Belt
The idea is to hook someone and go for the exposed target. (Bounty Hunter)