Reacting To Otzdarva's Perk Rant | Dead by Daylight

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#DBD #dbdkiller

0:00 – Intro
0:25 – Pentimento
4:07 – Buckle Up
6:36 – Save The Best For Last
12:06 – Adrenaline
14:34 – Made For This
17:55 – Knock Out
19:24 – Deliverance
21:39 – No Way Out
22:39 – Power Struggle
23:04 – Forced Hesitation
24:06 – Boil Over
24:51 – Hope
25:04 – Streetwise
25:55 – Pain Resonance
27:57 – Ultimate Weapon
30:02 – Face The Darkness
30:40 – Hyperfocus
31:24 – Off The Record
33:10 – Coulrophobia
33:56 – Rancor
34:36 – Hoarder
34:59 – Hubris
35:37 – Shattered Hope
36:01 – Blood Rush
36:29 – Situational Awareness
37:42 – NOED
38:15 – Rapid Brutality
39:09 – Coup De Grace
39:33 – Nowhere To Hide
39:48 – Deadlock
40:09 – Outro


35 thoughts on “Reacting To Otzdarva's Perk Rant | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The survivor otz goes against and i get are on a whole different level, there is no way i am winning a match without perk or addon in my server, maybe 1 out of every 20 match.

  2. OK look, i also main killer. A strong killer infact (blight). But some of the points you made were just really stupid. Just watching it was enough for me to see that youre biased. I agree with MFD windows and adren being stupid, but some killer perks are stupid too. At one point you said that power struggle is ok because its "fun", but then "techinally" its also "fun" for survivors to run at 110%. I just dont see the point of this video.

  3. Not having Windows on here when it literally plays the game for survivors is wild. But it’s nowhere near as unhealthy as something like Hoarder, of course, which regularly wins games for killer.

  4. The fact that MFT or Buckle Up working with FTP even made it to live servers baffles me. How do people even defend MFT? I’m guessing the people who still defend MFT FIVE MONTHS ON are either hardcore survivor mains who love abusing the perk, or just don’t understand that DBD is built with a fixed speed difference between killers and survivors in mind (every other haste perk on both sides has a strict activation condition for this exact reason)

  5. Some of you content creator's are killer mains, and if it is not you all that are complaining, it's survivor mains that are complaining!!! You all need to stop!! And most importantly you all need to grow up, and start acting your ages!!

  6. I stopped watching alot of these big dbd streamers cause they seem to come at the game from a weird bias while also saying they want the game to be fun but they seem to always put the survivors objective over the killers which is really weird to me.
    I agree with alot of what you said here and the only perks that i see are problematic as otz would say is mft and buckle up, maybe adrenaline shouldn't wake you up vs freddy but thats about it everything else is either really niche or people have to build around some of these perks or get use out of them to make them do anything.
    Nobody is a scumbag for playing the game the way they want, it's a video game at the end of the day, if you get tunneled out or gen rushed, on to the next game or think about what went wrong and make adjustments in your playstyle or build or character if it's a killer that isn't that strong.

  7. The biggest issues to me in Dead by Daylight as a killer main is SWFs with these ridiculous perk builds and comms. It is literally impossible to win, you may get a 1K maybe, but most the time will get destroyed by loop gods with flashlights and MFT, resiliance, and windows. There really needs to be a solo queue mode where all the survivors arent together on comms to give killers a chance against these sweat lord survivors that live to make the killer DC.

  8. I still love that the "it's just 3%, it doesn't do anything crowd" still use that excuse for MFT yet the jUsT 3% is one of the top meta perks and in every single game. If it was jUsT 3% and didn't matter, it would barley be used.

  9. Otz is too soft to be a killer. He's forever trying to baby them like the killers role is to make sure survivors are having a fun time. They have like 5-6 second chances constantly if a messes up it costs them the entire match no chance to get a second chance.

  10. Good vid! I liked it 🙂
    It's good to hear other craters' opinions on the topic of game balance.

    I think some disagreements are caused by people playing at different levels. Not just skull levels but how sweaty they are n stuff.

  11. Against a decent survivor group, Pentimento will only be active for the last 2 gens at most, you also have to have good time management to go over and activate without gifting away pressure, AND like you said, they will know exactly where it is. You also HAVE to run it with something like Plaything to get good value unless you play one of those Could-have-NOED weirdos and you wont need Penti against those, so it kinda costs two perk slots. There is NOTHING wrong with Penti, I would not patch it at all. STBFL is a great perk, the only problem is it facilitates desperate hook camping in the end game. I think it should deactivate in the end game. It should be used to have fast chases, not to spend your game getting dogged on and somehow racking up a couple of stacks and then religiously hook-camp in the collapse. Great perk, only has one problem. Even your "They'll only get one kill, tho" argument doesn't convince me because even one kill should be earned, those bot killers who can only achieve one kill hook camping with STBFL deserve ZERO kills.

    I don't take his video too seriously, I think he has some good opinions, but he has a HUGE tendency to virtue signal and be hypocritical, and this video is just supposed to cater to whiners and say stuff people wanna hear. He knows most of his viewers are fellow killer mains and many survivors cry about him doing regular things, such as accepting tunnels that he is offered and because of his hypocritical nature, he doesnt like being called out for it, instead of addressing these bogus complaints. If they sabo on death-hook or try to abuse basekit BT, any decent killer will immediately punish it, that is the play, and it is absolutely not "immoral" or any of this nonsense. If you disrespect a good killer, be ready for your punishment, it's that simple.

    Good reaction, but I think to remain fair you should also address the, albeit much rarer, "freebie" killer perks, such as Deadlock. It is completely free slowdown. I also think you exagerate the power of WoO. Honestly, they should make MFT 2% and just scrap the endurance effect, make Hope 5% and/or 2 mins and definitely kill the FtP and Buckle-up synergy, maybe make FtP cause exhaustion and make Buckle-Up require non-exhaustion.

  12. I like Otz, but like many content creators for DBD he speaks from the perspective of a niche player base who play the game almost professionally. The vast majority of players are casual, and most of these perks make the game bearable for them as they’re not great at looping or have amazing map knowledge.

  13. Have Ultimate Weapon only make unproductive survivors scream, so if they’re on gens or interacting with something you don’t scream. Or maybe screams happen but you don’t do the animation that takes you off a gen etc.

  14. Ngl kinda looked like you just looked for things to complain about “he went so little on mft” bro he said everything needed to be said everyone knows how strong it is because you see it every game not much needs to be said😂

  15. Ngl kinda looked like you just looked for things to complain about “he went so little on mft” bro he said everything needed to be said everyone knows how strong it is because you see it every game not much needs to be said😂


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