READS VS GUESSES (with something to question yourself on) – Dead by Daylight!

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23 thoughts on “READS VS GUESSES (with something to question yourself on) – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I haven't watched the video yet, but I'm going to say that a guess is an assumption in which any outcome is equally probable, and a read is more of an educated assumption of the most probable outcome based on knowledge or observation of past behaviour – as tru3 would say, let's see if we're right :3

  2. Tr3, what the hell are you talking about? I love your stream, but my god, you sound like an ass in this video. It’s obvious you are skillful and explaining why you are skillful is appreciated; talking down to your audience, which is what this video sounded like, is not cool. I bet you don’t know the difference between a read and a guess? Come on, bruh…

    A read is a move based on experience and evidence that allows a person to anticipate what the survival might do. While not all reads end up with a hit, the reads are generally based on the highest probable move that the survivor might make based on their skill level.

    A guess is picking a choice based on a series of moves that might have worked in the past without considering the above factors. For instance, since bamboozling this window worked in the past, I will bamboozle again and expect the survivor to follow this routing. Guessing may even be lower than this level of skill (eg bamboozle and hope they go a certain route).

  3. When you said play fighting games and you'll understand, I felt that! Ive played a lot of fighting games and got decent. I feel like people who have played fighters, don't complain about no counter-play killers. Especially people who have played some of the unwinnable match ups that was in SSFIV like bison Vs guile 😂

  4. I think people are misunderstanding your reads cuz you phrase them as a question. Like the window you said "are you gonna go back thru?" And she did. So it doesn't sound as confident. Also arguing against two people with bigger than life egos isn't going to go anywhere, especially with stupid shit like guess vs read.

  5. I think the error people make against calling things in dbd “reads”, is that they assume because you get into a new game with 4 new survivors, it’s impossible to “read” them because you can’t know their past behavior. Except people also forget that this isn’t a actually like a fighting game. Every survivor has the same exact limited set of tools to use. There’s no memorizing 20 different characters like in mortal kombat, per se, so you don’t have to rely on a past experience with an individual survivor, since all survivors can only do a limited number of things in any situation. Basically, since all survivors have to play the same way, you don’t have to read the individual player often enough, just what a survivor might and might not do

  6. The change to deadhard you suggested already happens to me quite regularly on xbox, especially if I'm on crossplay. I will completely finish my swing through to where they should already be falling down and then while I'm waiting for the server to finish registering the hit they will dash forward way too late and continue the chase.

  7. To go on about the fighting game thing, I agree that people need to TRY fighting games and how competitive feels to play. After you play someone on a match you start seeing how they play a lot, and you build a counter play style mid match to just that ONE person. Nobody on planet earth would see that and be like "he just guessed the whole time and somehow won"

  8. As a matter of fact Spirit is the very definition of "Play who you vs" since you literally get no input about what she is doing thus you can't learn how to counterplay just by playing survivor (Which majority of the community plays for hours since Killer is at times really stressful to play) so from that point of view yes, Spirit is just a "guess and pray" Killer. But once you play her things change, despite not being able to see her you now understand the speed at which she moves, which things she gets inputs on and which she doesn't thus you can make a read based on your own movement and the information you are giving to her (This is a shout-out to people who are injured and making lots of noise and still try to crouch away from you instead of trying to make as much distance as possible and making their path-ing as complex as possible so the Spirit wastes most of her power doing the catch up to then start looping a 110% killer on cool down which is hella easy)

    Little changes I think are necessary: Make it so you can tell when she is charging the phase alongside a sound that indicates when she finished charging it so when you are at a loop you can tell when to change your movement from the usual looping to a more complex path-ing. Her add-ons, I can't stress out enough how Spirit's base power is one of the most balanced one's amongst all Killers, but the speed and duration add-ons make it IMPOSSIBLE to avoid her to the point it is equal to safe pallets in the sense that you have to make 2 or even 3 correct reads assuming the Spirit messes up, and even then you are not guaranteed to avoid the hit, just to delay it. Oh she thought you went this way? Well it doesn't matter causer her duration and speed is so long that she can correct herself with now truly 0 input on where she is at

    That's it, Spirit is the most balanced Killer in the game regarding her base power but her add ons make it unbearable to play against her, sure she needs a few QoL changes like the input on knowing when she is preparing her power and when she is in it, but other than that I find her as the most enjoyable Killer to go against

  9. I say it can be argued that reads are using information presented to you currently and in the past. E.g, seeing a player's pattern and their playstyle and using it to calculate your next move based on all information you have at the moment. Whereas a guess would be just making a decision with little to no information presented and hoping for the best.

    That's where the argument with spirit comes in. A spirit has far more information available to them then survivors do. They see scratchmarks, hear the survivors cries of pains/breathing and fast actions. So utilizing all the information given to you to predict a survivors movements can be called a read, there's nothing wrong with that.

    Whereas on the survivors side of things, you given almost no information on the spirit. You don't know if she's phasing or faking it when around a pallet loop. The only information you can rely on is thinking what a rational spirit would do in this situation and then do something to counterplay that. You making a somewhat calculated guess of almost nothing and hoping it works out. If there was a little more information given about the spirit, then I'd say she has counterplay, but other than that, you at such a major disadvantage when it comes to "mind gaming" a spirit

  10. I love coming back to Tru3 because he's probably the only person that is really good at the game, he has fun and messes around sometimes in his games, but he also gives a interesting look on how to play DBD and sometimes other games in general with his experience playing competitive fighting, shooter, and third person 1v1 battle games like For Honor or Dark Souls


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