Red's INFINITE INFECTION WESKER build! Dead by Daylight | 30 Days of Wesker Days 5-6

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This build focuses on keeping permanent pressure on survivors via infections by denying the survivors ability to cleanse the infection with hoarder to find out where and franklins to remove the first aid spray. Coupled with brine and eruption and you got yourself an insane build that creates an immense amount of pressure!

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the Rank 1 Killer Gameplay!
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34 thoughts on “Red's INFINITE INFECTION WESKER build! Dead by Daylight | 30 Days of Wesker Days 5-6”

  1. A cool wesker build: vial of uroboros, red herb, agitation, unnerving presence, scourge hook: gift of pain and overcharge. I find this build satisfying because all of the perks buff each other

  2. honestly people aren't really using the 50% more distance and 10% cooldown wesker perks rn but i gotta say they are the best two on him and they're just yellow addons.

  3. 11:00 you can’t teabag when you are getting your ass handed to you it’s the equivalent of going “”yay we’re losing woo let’s fail harder””
    I don’t know kids nowadays can’t do anything right 😀

  4. Red's requested: The trial Pig

    Give survivors the most objective with as little information as possible, there is two variations

    Variation 1 –

    Perks: Corrupt intervention, Plaything, Pentimento, knockout
    Add-ons: Face mask and rule set nº2

    Variation 2 –

    Perks: Plaything, Pentimento, knockout, thrill of the hunt
    Add-ons: Video tape and rule set nº2

  5. Red's requested: "No healing" Legion

    Perks: Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Coulrophobia, Unnrevering Presence, Distressing

    Addons: Joey's mix tape and second is up to you, I personaly use Mural Sketch for movement speed.

    Preferably small map offering for best output of build thanks to large terroradius and fast, unpredictable skillchecks with 5 stacks of Lullaby. Nearly impossible to react in time when executed properly. Mending and healing takes so much time they either play whole match injured, or spent half of the match healing.

  6. Hi Red, got a fun challenge request you might like if you get a chance that uses Hag (who you typically don’t play much) as a chase killer that clogs everything up

    Waterclogged Hag

    – Hex Blood Favour (clogs pallets)
    – Either Deadlock, Dead Man’s Switch, or Corrupt Intervention (clogs gens)
    – No Way Out (clogs doors)
    – Bamboozle, Hex:Crowd Control, or Claustrophobia (clogs windows)

    – Waterlogged Shoe addon (Hag moves 115% but can’t teleport, traps slow survivors in their terror radius)
    – Scarred Hand (Hag traps have collision and clog paths)

    The idea is pretty simple, you’re playing Hag but as a basic attack, 115% chase killer instead of a teleporting one. Instead of teleporting to the traps you’re setting them up directly in narrow doorways, vaults, pallets and such to block survivors during your chases as well as for general tracking purposes of where survivors are when they trigger. The clogging perks cover a variety of ways to slow progress and hinder survivors in chases.

    I actually play this build sometimes on Hag and it’s pretty fun! 😄 I would never claim it’s as good as base kit Hag but it works surprisingly better than I expected, especially if I remember to put down a key trap or two out of sight of a survivor before I flush them off a gen. It’s a little like playing Trapper, sort of, but as Hag. (So not a meta build for sure but still fun!)


    Save the best, pain res, deadman’s switch, dead Lock. I’ve won so many more games with this build, I hope you consider this build for your reds requested!! Or 30 days if wesker!

  8. Dredge's Faustian Bargain

    Killer: Dredge

    – Scourge Hook : Monstrous Shrine (Lure them in for saves)
    – Make Your Choice (Punish them for saving)
    – Scourge Hook : Pain Resonance (Don't let them ignore you)
    – Deadman's Switch (Don't let them ignore you)

    – Hadie's Calender (Locking is pointless)
    – Worry Stone (Pre-Locking is dangerous)

    So with Dredge's insane map pressure, you can easily start to gain tempo off of a scourge hook. You hook someone, run away to pressure gens, then if someone goes for the save you punish them hard. The Painres + Deadman's combo assures they cannot ignore what you are doing.
    If you feel you don't need that pressure, Deadmans could be swapped for Floods Of Rage, Save The Best, Deadlock, or even Gift Of Pain.

    Do you unhook and get bodied for it, or do you let your teammate expire?

  9. I tried this build today and within seconds had horder notifications going off everywhere. Had a quick chase, downed and hooked a Feng, a Dwight traded places with her and I then found a David via horder who went down due to the Iri Vials exposed. David then DCed and the Dwight died on first hook because everyone else immersed themselves. Finally cornered a Claudette via horder and gave the Feng hatch. No gens were finished, ie a harsh 5 gen victory.


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