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This is the absolute most annoying Pig build in Dead by Daylight.
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the Rank 1 Pig Gameplay!
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Here's another
Huntress lullaby
Undying hex
Razor wire and interlocking razor addons
Are some perks only available for pc?
Pop pop pop!
Hey, Red. Got a great Nurse build for you. Would love to see you try it!
Ultimate Weapon
Infectious Fright
Lethal Pursuer
Have a 90% or so win rate in the last 50 games using this build.
That's actually a really clever build. Props
Nice! Great annoying build!
You know they are gonna make the boxes retain search progress just because of this build. You know how bhvr is. I can see it coming.
really clever build ! here's my personal favorite on Pig
Hex: Huntress Lullaby
Hex: Thrill
Hex: Face the darkness
Hex: Undying
Razor Wires and Interlocking Razor addons. Crazy
I will definitely give it a try, love the vids man
Fun build;), nerf pig
Calm spirit after this video 📈
Nobody calmspirit destroying this build😅
Really wished the besrtrap was a more interactive thing maybe something similar to condem doubt they will ever do anything about it but i can always hope
Red, Thwack is bugged when you kick walls they don't scream. Classic BHVR 🙄
I love more the one with the hexs: Undying, face of the darkness, Thrill and ultimate weapon, the best map for it is Midwich.
I love that build
oh my god this is one of the most evil builds and I loved every second of watching it. Amazing games as always Red!
🐷🔪 all piggie mains are excited for this build! TY red! love the content !!!!
This was fun to watch.
Shouldn't the Scream build be on Ghost face? 😏