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This DBD Wesker build is all about using Oppression for gen beatdown and unbound combined with superior anatomy to have brutal vault speed and pressure!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the Rank 1 Wesker Gameplay!
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#dbd #Wesker #redsgaminggears
00:00 Build Breakdown
01:28 Wesker Gameplay
Wesker the Fast Vault Chad
2:22 Felix thinks he is the Hulkster Brother!
My boy wesker feels weak lately for some reason
oh neat thought the perk might be easier to use on wesker with his ability but does seem hard to utilize in practice
You should do a build with the thing and the stuff and the perk that does something. Not the perk you’re thinking of, the other one that does stuff
i have a good build for dracula for you, actually endgame but really good.
remenber me
no way out
addons: Alucard shield and cube of zoe.
i hope you like it! i personally find it very fun
I have to ask why the red herb is used. I believe otz or someone similar did the math concerning it. It may have been better to just use like gloves or the tendril addons, even though they don’t fit the build theme as well.
Walk backwards if they wiggle left and right
I think the problem with unbound is that it needs to stay active for 40 seconds instead of 30 or just it needs to stay permanently activated when you hit a survivor and then goes away after you vault
Bro why do fkn survivors scream so loud and dramatically now. So strange lol yeah I know they're being hooked but Jesus lol
Wesker always fun to watch.
13:35 Of fucking COURSE the cocky bastard had to complain about the killer in endgame chat.
I know that Felix did not just complain about Wesker needing nerfs at the end.
Anti minority build
I’ve been dying to see more chucky from you so here is a build request:
Add ons rat poison and jump rope
Perks: thrilling tremors, grim embrace, no way out, corrupt intervention
I love you red
Got a new idea for a build: Full Fun Vecna-Lich with Friends ‘Til the End, Hex: Devour Hope, Dark Arrogance, and Save the Best for Last
12:20 Nice attempt to vault and spam dead head by the Lara
3-Pop Goes the Weasel
On doctor and see how the Survivors well DC