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Ignore Slow down and pump up that chase with this Dead by Daylight Pure Chaser Doctor Build!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Doctor Gameplay!
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#dbd #Doctor #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #BHVR #intothefog
Very stealthy Myers Build
Perk 1: Machine Learning
Perk 2: Trail of Tourment
Perk 3: Furtive Chase
Perk 4: any slowdown perk u choose
Add-ons: fragrant of hair and any other addon u choose
Is anyone else getting motion sickness when setting your field of view to 103 in the test build? Especially with fast moving killers like blight? Everything seems so small and almost like you're in a tunnel
Does anyone else think that the dissolution needs a buff? Like removing the 3 seconds?
You did do Kate dirty on the last game. I get the players could've played better but you did tunneled her hard. I am a killer main so before you put me on blast for being a snowflake.
Looking forward to your next one!
Red please make videos on the new Billy changes
More chucky gameplays reds
Frankenstein doctor is my favorite skin of his
“Take responsibility”
my guy it’s just a game which you didn’t play right, that adam deserved a protection hit but you didn’t take responsibility there lol
You did tunnel Kate tho but the Dwight can’t even talk bc he didn’t even take a hit for Adam when it was so ez for him to do so
The 1st time I really heard you cuss red lol. Best killer imo!
When people complain about Tunneling they refuse to look at the situation.
Especially since we see Dwight not be helpful.
1 every time you used your power he is always far away or snapping out of madness.
2 not talking protection hits to add his teammates. We even see he could have delayed the Dudes death but WENT UPSTAIRS??? Then the guy dies.
3. Kate Dwight had so time situations where he could have saved her or delayed the death but refuses to acknowledge his makes snd Shits on you for playing correctly.
salty survivours aliteration too
You know Ill never understand the mentality of some of the people who play DBD. For one, DBD is the only multiplayer game ive ever come across where players have to police and restrict each other with these unwritten taboo rules. And then people like that legit get big mad because a killer is playing a killer. Move on. Either to another match or another game bro
i'm always willing to take a hit for my teammates, especially if i know they're on death hook or the killer has stbl & i'm the obsession. it's called being aware as a survivor and what needs to happen. clearly that dwight had none lol
Please prestige your doctor he’s so close