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This Freddy build ignores the Obsession in hopes to Mori them later thanks to Rancor! While also building chase potential and slowdown with Save the Best for Last and Dying Light!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Freddy Gameplay!
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#dbd #Freddy #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #BHVR #intothefog
imagine thinking your going to win since you havent got hooked all game just to get one shot and mori’d 💀💀
I don't use it but I like dying light
Would you play RE resistance or is it too old?
I feel like I see either garden of joy or rpd (or both) in like every single one of your videos
Actually, when doing a build like this, you shouldn't use an antigen at all, besides dying light. Instead, you could swap Pop/Pain Res for something like No Way Out or Noed, since then you can be sure that you will get to the endgame and you are going to get value from the endgame perks!
Wraith Hex Build
Add ons:
Coxcombed Clapper
“The Ghost” Soot
Hex: Plaything
Hex: Pentimento
Hex: Retribution
Hex: Devour Hope
Constant Oblivious.
Sneak up behind walls, uncloak silently and smack on gens.
Overwhelm with totems for Devour Hope value.
What would be a great alternative killer to use this build on?
This is just a fun Trickster build:
Darkness revealed
Iron Maiden
Hex: Ruin
Ultimate weapon
ricochet blades and shoes for throw speed!
I have an endgame build for legion.
No way out
remember me
machine learning
add ons (bffs and maybe pills, since it's an endgame build) you be zooming
Survivor main trash! GG EZ!
I'm pretty sure Rancor still works if you close the Hatch, because the exit gates still get powered. It used to not work that way, but it got changed in 6.4.0
damn that iri box add on sucks
Survivors got "massive" value out of their "chase me" perks in the second game, good thing none of them bought support or gen perks 😆
Representing the Freddy mains, let’s go!
Here’s a build for the new Furtive Chase I call “Obsessive Wesker”
Add ons:
Lab Photo
Uroboros Tendril
Furtive Chase
Game Afoot
BBQ and Chilly
Slow Down of choice
Game Afoot can help switch Obsessions while also helping getting the down and pairs nicely with the lab photo. Then when you hook the obsession you can bound to the reveled survivors to make the most of your speed and stealth. The tendril will also help sneak up on survivors with a charged bound but you could probably switch it out for something that helps the bound.
hm. cool outro animation.