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30 Days of Billy Days 5 & 6! With Surveillance and Trail of Torment we are able to turn Hillbilly into a lethal chainsaw sniper!
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#dbd #billy #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #intothefog
finally a different billy skin xD
The red shirt suits you perfectly ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love the vids keep it up man <3
MILKMAN is heeeeere!!!
I swear, Oppression is underrated. Sometimes it really delays gens or it helps when there's 1 gen.
That first game! I love that you let the yui stay in the game after those snipes, and also that the yui actually made something out of the game and didnt just give up
Can you do a video with some innovative ghost face ideas on the meta currently/trying to make ghost face work with new perks being introduced? Maybe a talk about how strong/weak he is currently and what changes you want to see in the future?