Red's UNFORESEEN SNIPER ARTIST Build! – Dead By Daylight

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New Unknown Perk makes Artist a Stealthy Sniper!

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Artist Gameplay!
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#dbd #Artist #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #BHVR #intothefog
00:00 Build Breakdown
01:20 Game 1
13:57 Game 2


20 thoughts on “Red's UNFORESEEN SNIPER ARTIST Build! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Fantastic content as always red. Here’s an unknown build I’ve been having fun with and you might also:
    Lethal pursuer
    Bbq & chili
    Hex: plaything
    And 4th perk has been rotating between Grim embrace and pentimento
    Add-ons are whatever you feel like using at the time.

  2. Assassin Myers: Unforseen, Deadlock, Discordance, PGTW
    Add-ons: Fragrant Tuft of Hair, J. Myers Memorial
    Map: Midwich Elementary

    Summary: Transfer your TR and try to sneak around them and down them.

  3. Stealth Billy build:
    Furtive chase
    Pop goes the weasel
    Friends till the end( or bbq and chilli but ftte is better for keeping constant stealth since you can chainsaw over to the new obsession for a new furtive chase)
    Add ons:
    Apex muffler
    Spiked boots( this is to make the snipes on the new obsession easier

    Heart locket makes the build extremely fun

  4. Birbs main I realy don't know why she's not played like that I absolutely love her and she's my main I've never won the birbs win me the games them snipes do. One of the few killers that put ya in a lose lose situation get zoned to a dead zone or face da birb at the pallets. Also the only killer that legit defend a hook from a far without waiting holding an item you do it right you deep wonder the unhook and Injured the unhooker. Honestly I could go on that's my girl

  5. Build for you red if you haven’t done it already. It’s brutal. Pain ress, surveillance, pop, bbq, and an optional 4th perk recommend ruin, unforeseen, or oppression. Use this on xeno and because of gen tapping isn’t possible anymore surveillance puts in work. This used to be my spirit build but xeno is insane with it

  6. Corrupt Intervention is a hit or miss perk. In this 1st game, the first down was in the first 30 seconds so it was a miss in this game and a more useful perk could have taken its place like Nowhere to hide.


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