Regional Skill Difference in Dead by Daylight

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20 thoughts on “Regional Skill Difference in Dead by Daylight”

  1. One thing I've learned from playing video games is that no matter how good you think you are there's always a nice fellow from south korea who is ready to wipe the floor with you and poop all over your parade.

  2. Ye it’s true. I might 4k 10 games, then lose one and be like wtf they’re sweating so much, eu so hard. Tbf I remember one day I literally had swf’s with 2-3 players having atleast 2k hours like every other match. Idk what that was or why was it.

  3. Playing DBD guide.
    1. Put on casual build.
    2. Go against sweat squad.
    3. Lose.
    4. Be sad and angry.
    5. Put on tryhard build.
    6. Goes against babies.
    7. Feels sad again.
    8. Repeat.

  4. There's an economical aspect to it, to a degree. Many European countries have social systems that enable many people to basically live a lifestyle of religiously playing video games. It doesn't really have to be unemployment, many people can survive with very good internet by sticking to some part-time job without any aspirations for anything and just dedicate themselves to a game most of the time. It's not a judgement I'm making, merely an observation (that and I know quite a few people like this). I'm sure there are people like this in NA, but I know for a fact a lot of EU has it super easy in that regard, hell some even make it more interesting to live this way than to work.

    An anecdote of mine would be just how ridiculously sweaty late night games get in EU severs, while in NA (in my time there, and sometimes via VPN) it tends to be more casual. It's because most people who play at 3 AM on a Tuesday aren't exactly those that have very busy work lives or many responsibilities other than playing DBD for thousands of hours. Doesn't mean playing late at night makes you some sweat lord, but it's a trend I've PERSONALLY experienced but could definitely differ.

  5. You should check out the /r/deadbydaylightkillers subreddit. They complain about survivors so much they're pretty much the sterotypical "Reddit killer" or people who complain about their region and nobody elses

  6. My Home Region is EUW but I also frequently play on NA East (100 ping on average) bc of my Friends. And I honestly never really noticed a difference? The only thing I notice is that Survivor Q is shorter on EU and there are more console players when I am on NA. Like in Terms of Skill it's really the same.

    Well and I run more into Toxic and entitlement ppl on NA. But I also tend to play more on NA than EU, bc friends – so do with that information what you will.

  7. Skill based matchmaking on : gen rush games ended in 4-6mins got boring quickly
    Current mmr sbm off survivors not done 3rd generator until 3-4mins into the game.
    Since bhvr is controlling the average outcome with current mmr they deem to be healthy it's hard to make any accurate assesment of skill level in any region imo as they're targeting 2k on average.


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