Reviewing Your Dead by Daylight Perk Ideas!

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Hey everyone, today we’re going to be looking over your original perk ideas. A couple days ago I put out a community post, asking for your perk ideas, and there was a pretty big response. So, obviously I can’t cover all of your ideas today, but maybe we can do some more videos on this at some point. Alright, let’s get started.

Chapter 22 has been released on the 5.4.0 PTB. With this chapter we have a new killer, The Artist, a new survivor, Jonah Vasquez, and a new map, Eyrie of Crows, part of the new Forsaken Boneyard realm. It looks great, and I’m very excited!

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Night Run Away – An Jone

Hope you enjoy!

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there):

Intro 0:00
Survivor perk ideas 0:16
Killer perk ideas 4:47
Perks as game mechanics 8:17
Outro 11:06


41 thoughts on “Reviewing Your Dead by Daylight Perk Ideas!”

  1. I have a Survivor perk I came up with a while ago.

    Fighter Spirit: The fight within you feeds your determination.
    You can vault a window blocked by the Entity at the cost of one health state.
    Become Broken for 60/70/80 seconds upon vaulting a blocked window.

  2. How about:
    You still make sounds of pain, however by holding the active ability button, you can choose another spot where those noises would be heard

  3. I have a killer and survivor perk idea about new boon totems
    Boon: body gard
    You protect the your friend at all cost,bless a totem that has a 24ms radius, when any survivor gets injure in the boon area all other survivors get the endurence estatus effect for 15sec, it also revome all bad effecs.
    And the killer perk is a hex

    Hex: cruel ilusion
    That felling of calm when a survivor is bless gives the entity anger an you take advantage, When a survivor is blessing a totem, this hex take that place if this not happens after a minute it take a dull totem place, all your hexes are blue and any survivor in 24 meter get the bless effect but they dont get any effect.

    And a scourge hook
    Scourge hook: shared pain
    When a survivor help each other they are force to suffer in the same hell, create 4 scourge hooks, whe a survivor is unhook from the scourge hook and work together in healing, reparing the progres goes down instead of up, this takes effect 60/70/80 seconds after the unhook

    And a new 2 killer idea.
    1.- The demon 4.4m/s
    2.-The angel4.4m/s
    The demon and angel power is perfect crime: a demon and a angel appers on the trail each one of them is controled by a player, (mach making with mmr😥) they have a weapon numbrer in the power icon ( such as trickster, huntress) when you it a survivor hit has a 50% of breaking, 2 defauld, weapons appers in lokers, they have a 20% less speed in breaking things (like a anti brutal strength), they can only equip 2 perks at the time, they also have a 18%debuff at carry survivors speed alone they have to carry survivors toquether to have the defaul speed (agitacion change this speed) , the demon and angel have separeted mini powers.

    Demon: when a gen is pop he gets angry an has a 4.6m/s speed for 10s 5 more for each gen to a total of 35s

    Angel: when a survivor is in line of sight you Can mark them, a marked survivor aura is reveald to the angel an demon for 5s it has a cooldown of 35s.

  4. I thought of these perks first 1st " you been though alot but there's always more" Fight For Your Life : Everytime a generator is completed you gain a token up to a max of 2 / 4 / 5 stacks

    1tokens will allow you to recover from the dying state by yourself without help.

    If you run out of tokens you can see all hook auras within a 16m range.

    "I'm not dying today not now not ever" -Xavier Vasquez 2nd

    "You feel its time to rewind the tide and bring the game back"

    Overclock : Whenever you recover or your healed out the dying state you run at 150% of your running speed for 4 seconds

    Causes the exhausted status effect for 60/50/40

    Can't be used while exhausted

    "Time to bring it up a notch" – Xavier Vasquez

  5. an idea i had is sure shot: sure, shot activates when the killer is within 20 meters. while inside a locker for 5 seconds you will emerge with a killer item such as a throwing knife or a hatchet. you have the ability to throw the item, if the killer is hit by the item, they will be stunned for 3 seconds if you miss you will be inflicted with exhaustion

  6. One idea I had for a killer perk, although this shouldnt be able to be paired with Hex:Noed

    When all Generators are repaired, one Dull Totem will become a Hex Totem.
    Until the totem is cleansed, no survivor can interact with an exit gate.

  7. I had this idea along time ago to counter facecamping.

    After a killer stays within 8 or 12 Meters of a hooked survivor for 40/50/60 seconds, the killers base movement speed decreases by 1% per second while remaining in range of the hooked survivor. When the hooked survivor is unhooked, the speed penalty is instantly changed back to base speed.

    This could also be adapted into a perk.


    When you are hooked and a killer is within 8/12/16 meters of you that killer suffers a speed penalty of 5%/10%/15%.

    After you are unhooked the speed penalty will remain on the killer for 1/2/3 seconds.

  8. False Promises: Spawns an extra exit gate in the trial. This gate, when opened, will be permanently blocked by the entity. The location of this gate will be revealed to survivors, but not the killer.
    (This means you should be able to determine which is the fake by which gates the killer is patrolling)

  9. Pero: ENOUGH!
    Your heart swells with rage and courage. Allowing you to defend yourself.
    Once every 120 seconds. You may charge the killer, stunning them for 5 sec, at the cost of one health state.

    While the boon is lit, the struggle meter will decrease at 100% slower pace if the killer is within 36 meters of a hooked survivor.

  10. Killer Perk – Hex: Can't Hide Forever
    A Hex that punishes locker abuse.
    If a Survivor sits in a locker for 7/6/5 seconds then the locker becomes blocked by the Entity for 3/4/5 seconds and is revealed to the killer. While the locker is blocked the survivor inside cannot leave and the killer can open and grab the survivor.

    The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

    I think something like this could be interesting? It could be very annoying for survivors and is a complete meme killer which is kinda sad, but making it a Hex means you can disable it.

  11. I have an idea for one it’s called “I Don’t Want To Be Alone” and would be a Lisa Garland perk if the devs ever decide to give Legendary characters one unique perk as an incentive for people to buy them here is what the perk does.

    If you are in a 12 meter radius of another survivor you both gain a 15% Haste effect for running, walking, and vaulting if you and another survivor leave the 12 meter radius you both gain the Exhausted effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Does not stack if other survivors are in the area or if the perk holder is Exhausted.

  12. I never saw the post, but I would like to post a perk idea that was for a werewolf killer I was creating.

    Scourge Hook: Unyielding Fury
    For random hooks are turned into scourge hooks at the beginning of the trial. Survivors that are unhooked from these hooks suffer from the rage statues effect, this causes the survivors to howl revealing their location to the killer. To stop this the survivor must pass a minuscule skill check that appears randomly and frequently depending on the stage.
    First stage: 10, 20, 30%
    Second stage: 40, 50, 60%
    When in the terror radius of the killer, unyielding fury deactivates until the chase ends.
    When working on a generator for every pistion that is moving there will be a skill check that will regress the generator by 5, 7.5,10%. only can appear once per pistion.

  13. Perk idea: sweeten the deal (survivor perk)

    Any perks with prerequisites can be overdone and receive extra effects based on the perk
    Ex) inner healing cleans 2 totems you have the healing twice

    Perk idea: heavy bounty (survivor)

    Every action has a price

    Each time the killer hits/hooks/mori’s a survivor gain a stack the next time the killer is stunned or blinded by any means all stacks disappear and survivors get heavy bonuses for 5/7/10 seconds for every stack would allow survivors to see all dull and hex totems, generators,exit gates,other survivors,and the killer for half the time. Also all stacks will disappear

    Final survivor perk: I’m am not finished yet (survivor)
    When on death hook the hit that should down you would put you in the deep wound and all scratch marks and blood is hidden for 30/40/50 seconds

  14. I posted this in the community post, but it wasn't noticed by many people, so I'm putting my ideas of Killer Perks for my boi Blitzo from Helluva Boss here (Yes, this is a more of a fun/joke concept):

    The Assassin's Teachable Perk (Lvl. 30): Aggression
    (Icon for the Perk would probably be Blitzo's mouth snarling in anger.)

    Whenever a kill doesn’t go as planned, anger grows within.
    If a chase ends and the Survivor is unharmed, Aggression becomes activated for 25 seconds.
    While Aggression is activated, the unharmed Survivor suffers from the Exposed Status Effect.
    You gain a 10% Haste Status Effect for 15 seconds.
    After 25 seconds or the unharmed Survivor is put into the Dying State, Aggression goes on cooldown for 80 / 70 / 60 seconds.
    “What the FUCK was that, Moxxie?!” – Blitzo

    The Assassin's Teachable Perk (Lvl. 35): Brutal Killings
    (Icon for the Perk would probably be a person missing an eyeball, in reference to the first episode.)

    You enjoy the pain inflicted on targets.
    Whenever you injure a Survivor by any means, Brutal Killings gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 8 Tokens.
    Each Token gained decreases the cool-down for missed Basic Attacks by 5%, up to a maximum of 40%.
    Each 2nd Token gained increases action speeds for Picking Up and Dropping Survivors by 4%, up to a maximum of 16%.
    Each 4th Token gained increases your Movement Speed by 5%, up to a maximum of 10%.
    You lose 6 / 5 / 4 Tokens after you hook a Survivor.
    “No, don’t be a puss, we're just killing a mother. We're RUINING a family!" – Blitzo

    The Assassin's Teachable Perk (Lvl 40): Fulfillment
    (Icon for the Perk would probably be the logo of Blitzo's company, the Immediate Murder Professionals, or I.M.P.)

    You commit to completing contracts made with your clients. You will complete the task the Entity has given you in its realm.
    Whenever a Generator is repaired, Fulfillment grows in power.
    For the first Generator repaired: Your Carrying Movement Speed, wiggle duration, and hooking speeds are increased by 15%. Decreases Wiggle effects by 15%.
    For every Generator repaired afterwards: Your Carrying Movement Speed, wiggle duration, and hooking speeds are increased by 1 / 2 / 3%, up to a maximum of 4 / 8 / 12%. Decreases Wiggle effects by 3%, up to a maximum of 12%.
    Once the last generator gets repaired: Survivors receive a 10% penalty to exit gate opening speeds. You are granted the ability to kill one Survivor with your own hands.
    “…Don't worry, we'll get that skank in less than twenty-four hours or your first kill is freeeeeeee!” – Blitzo

  15. May Le Bello suggest, that this idea isn't a perk, but an iridescent add on for a killer (who was a technician in his/her lore)
    Iridescent wires: when a survivor interacts with the Exit gate, they are faced with a difficult skill check.
    Failing the skill check results in the killer knowing and blocking the gate for 30 seconds. (Can combo with no way out)

  16. Survivor Perk: Tracker
    when a chase starts the killer will gain the slow down effect for 5 seconds and survivor will hide there Scratch marks for 8/9/10 seconds but the killer sees the survivors aura for 4 seconds
    this could work well I think because the survivor will gain distance and the killer won’t be able to see there scratch marks while they run and escape the chase

  17. Killer perk: earthquake
    " Sometimes a little start kick is all you need"
    When kicking a gen or pallet, gain haest for 5 seconds and expose survivors in 12/18/24 meters.
    Survivors will be exposed until the killer kicks other gen or pallet or hit a survivor not affected by this perk's effect.

    "Survivor" perk: traitor
    You don't really care about the others survivors escaping, their pain is your enjoyment.
    While doing gens with others survivors or healing, you can reveal their aura to the killer while interacting and keep it after for 15/20/25 seconds. You gain a token, up to 4, for everytime the killer hits a survivor while revealed.
    Being a traitor is not so easy in the fog. For everytime another survivor aura is revealed by this perk and they don't get in a chase or escape the killer, you get exposed. The exposed time start at 5 and increase by 5 each time up to a max of 30 seconds.

  18. I have two Surviver Perks.
    Perk 1: "Friends To The End" Once you are downed and have 25-20-15% recovery, you can heal another downed surviver an entire health state. Crawl Speed is increased by 20%.

    Perk 2: "Never Give Up" Once healing another survivor for an entire health state, they gain the endurance status effect for 8-10-12 seconds.


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