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0:00 Killer outfits
2:44 Universal and killer charms
7:32 Survivor outfits
11:03 Survivor charms
(Nea’s and Legion’s were missing due to unlocking difficulties, this video was using my banned account, unlocking rift cosmetics a day before the Tome was out)
I want pay Felix Richter snow outfit
I need the oni skin
froze bite skin come to dbd mobild first wou
Kinda cool that they referenced the old moon bouquet offerings with that charm.
With the Lunar Event coming will the old Lunar music be making a return?
Dude, yesterday I saw a Meg using that new skin… Was he hacking? Because it's not available yet
Wow the frosted mobile skins are in looks so much cooler
bruh 90% skins aree shit oni only look good
Free on mobile I guess
Btw Blue trapper on mobile are wierd people
Oni skins the only one worth buy
mobile skins look better on the real game amazing
How can u put alessa hair in cybil outfit ?? 10:28
It's possible do the glitch with 2 legendary outfits ?
Fav is dwight holiday skin, fresh af
Nurse looks scary.
dbd is a skin game
8:09 is like a security guard 🙂 i like tath skin
How u don't have many subs like wtf
thanks for the new billy pants guys!
Reskins are just " exclusives" taken from the mobile game
Again, we get dublicate charms that nobody's going to use..
Seems like they never listen to feedback
Wait were is legion outfit ?
Bro how much do you think you have spent on this game haha keep up the good content btw
The legs of the Hillbilly skins are identical to the base version, there isn't much point in them being a separate cosmetic
Oh no ! Pls dont say you gave them your money to unlock all this.
They'll(BHVR) look at their sales and say " We're doing a pretty good job so far".
we need more people like you. thank you. now I know if it's worth purchasing or not (it is 🙂
Goddamn bro go outside
do you get a secret item after getting tier 70?
Sad how they stole the skins from mobile :/
Sad how they stole the skins from mobile :/
Quick question, are these skins only unlockable via the rift while it lasts or do they become available for purchase afterwards? Because I really like the Oni one however since I’m a killer main and not really interested in the other ones I don’t wanna buy the rift pass just for that. Thanks.
where is legion outfit?
That one rift I was actually excited for and actually have time to play, since I'm a nurse main in quarantine, that's already on fucking level 18… And of course this time every single skin looks absolutely horrendous. Every… single… one…
Why the fuck is it always Dwight, Claudette, Meg, the Legion and the Trapper that get a fucking outfit? I don't even play them, but give Jeff some shit. Kate, Jane, Feng, Zarina. Or if Dwight and Claudette absolutely must have one, does it really need to be the millionth christmas shit?