Ruin Undying Will Win This for Us! Dead by Daylight

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Now I see why ruin has been nerfed! This is who powerful it currently is. Ok, fair enough!

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38 thoughts on “Ruin Undying Will Win This for Us! Dead by Daylight”

  1. After I had ruin get taken out 20 seconds into a match like 3 times in a row I stopped using it. It's such an inconsistent perk. You'll either get massive value if the survs are dummies that refuse to actually look for it or if it happens to be in a good spot or you'll get no value if they take initiative and look for it OR it spawns in a bad spot.

  2. That's the problem with hex perks but I don't really know how you'd fix it. Better totem spawns won't really work since survivors can still learn them and even when a totem is pretty hidden it still looks like somewhere a totem could be. Making them normally perks instead of hexes would probably lead to some heavy nerfs.

  3. the nerf to ruin isn’t that big of a deal imo. it got cleansed before you even got value most games. i’m more worried about the nerfs to perks like pop, pain res and bbq. we might see even more camping and tunneling because of the patch

  4. I hate most hex perks they go by to fast

    I have used devour hope 13-15 times and never got past 2 stacks cause everyone always gets rid of it snh

  5. Hexes would be a bit more viable if the totem spawns were maybe a bit more randomized on spawns? Stop spawning in the exact same spots and it will be a bit harder to memorize locations.

  6. I’m fairly certain the devs hate Ruin because it’s automatic regression. They believe the killer has to EARN whatever regression they get.

    Survivors, on the other hand, get god pallets for free.

  7. Ruin is a Noobstomper, thats why they nerf and nerf it. Any good survivor wont have problem around it. Hell you can even destroy it. But as said, its only an issue for new bad players. Once you get to higher MMR you not even gonna see that perk. 2x slower gen regression than a solo survivor and now nerfed to 4x? Its fucking useless, although I still think its gonna be opressive for the newbies. I wonder how it will get nerfed once more…

  8. As long as totems can spawn literally ON TOP of gens, no hex perk is really viable imo. I tried to give myself an incentive to leave the hook with devour, but in that one week I used it, I only got 3+ stacks in like 2 or 3 games out of idk 120?

  9. With this patch, ruin will be same regression that default kick. This is so bad. That's a hex ffs and it can be cleanse in 14sec. It should be POWERFUL. Every Hex totems should be powerful like devour hope with 3 tokens. To force them to be afraid of you. 3/4 of the hex perks are just so weak.

  10. I wish the entire hex perks get rework, they are almost useless especially against good SWF, what if the killer can bless dull totems but the tickets or levels he has reached with it gets reset after blessing a new totem, this for sure will help the killer little bit

  11. I remember when undying would transfer to any dull totem and ruin was still getting cleansed in the first minute lol.

    The devs are so fing gd stupid when it comes to balancing their own game

    Hexes are not strong enough for how easy they are to get rid of.

    Once a person learns the totem spawn locations it rarely ever becomes difficult for them to find the hex

  12. Remmenber true they are nerfing ruin so people stop using it bc is a "popular" choice for killers, this update is for shake up the "meta" and people start using other perks, still ruin is sad and torem placement always has been shit in this game, devs should remmenber that survivors have like 4 or 3 perks to find totems plus maps so I would never understand why they never hide totems properly

  13. Killers should have the option to make their own hex location, a custom spot that can literally be inside the basement, or in corners of the map, or around tight packed objects

  14. devs really want killers to play with just 2 perks trying to bait them into using undying + ruin lul, joke on you im never using that shiiiiiii. full anti gen rush build baby


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