Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
today i challenge myself by running no mither and looping killers.
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#deadbydaylight #dbd #DBD
Outro music:
Dead by daylight (DBD), an asymmetrical horror game, play at rank 1 with builds such as the solo getaway build or the impossible to hook me build, to juke killers at rank 1, I love to run killers for 5 gens at rank 1 and do challenges at rank 1, like no pallets at rank 1, how to pip in rank 1 is good too. Dead by daylight has some toxic survivors and toxic killers who run meta builds to gain an advantage, | like to play with fun builds and less op addons, op perks or op builds, most op survivor builds and most op killer builds. Like the all seeing eyes build, the efficient survivor build, the instant heal tank build, the most underrated perks in the game and infinite sprint burst and head on, builds like the vault speed build to avoid dedicated servers or bad hitboxes on windows and pallets . How to counter every killer, Gen rushing builds and Meta Builds, Builds to counter killers, Looping builds and more. I use inspiration for some of my videos from other players like The JRM with his his .exe videos and Otzdarva with his win streaks, No0b3 with his once upon a toxic series and Ayrun with the vault speed build I usually play with Feng Min or Claudit Morel. Rank reset is always scary, rank 20 vs rank 1 with brand new parts and flashlights. I always upload the new chapter, new survivor and new killer when it comes out with the new update. I love using techs like the dumb tech, ayrun tech, cj tech, locker tech, enjoy the video
Water ice salt
Are you from America?
Yet another video full of cracked beamer plays
absolute banger vid as always
I love how you appropriately changed dead hard's name to just "dead" lmfao
Great Video Ryan! Can't wait for the next
i realize now you're the reason i call legion leg, was wondering where i picked that up from
The fact that the Huntress kept picking you up every time your recovery meter was almost full gave me a hernia.
your editing is everything, sir.
What's the song of 5:17? I need to know 🥺
When u upload I feel like nae naeing
How they so stupid and cute😂
please never change editing styles, I can't breathe while watching these
Fun fact: the buffed no mother doesn't stack with unbreakable 🙂
The Edit always kills me AHAHAHAH
water ice salt aye water ice salt aye water ice salt aye squiggly mcdiggly ey nance ey NA N C E water ice salt aye WHEN?????????
this is all i hear in the background of my brain 24/7 and im ok with that
This billy would get lost in a mcdonalds play pin
Naw these are paid killers, cause no way people are actually playing like this lol.
this vid calmed my covid symptoms
Meme video yessirr!
Hillbilly was a paid actor lmao
Why was Dead Hard just named Dead?
You could take tanacity instead of unbreakable
You could take tanacity instead of unbreakable
You could take tanacity instead of unbreakable
The next NoOb3
The edits he makes in the video makes it so much funnier i love him lmaoo
When?? @1:06
Day later after watching this video..
Still laughing 😂
Me vibing to your outro music after every vid 🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗
Noob got two accounts?
Im glad that i was here before u hit the 1million
I met someone in game a few days ago named "Rc13elite hater" he flashlight saved my friend like 30 times. Strange experience
Respect to billy for not camping you😂
Your edits throw me off. It’s perfect.
Shit had more vibe boom sounds effects than an Elisocray video xD
My-ther. It's said as "My-ther"
the editing 💀
this editing is the reason we all watch its so fucking funny
I am in tears bruh this is perfection when it comes to editing