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Sable Ward is here, and she’s certainly made quite the impression. Sable mains are cropping up like fungi and BHVR could buy a golden statue of Naughty Bear with the money from her skins sales, but is her lore any good? Let’s talk about it!
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00:00 Introduction
01:26 What’s the Story?
04:25 Wonderful Worldbuilding
07:32 Housekeeping + Announcement
09:39 Sable And The “Outsider” Narrative
14:01 Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Alt Girl
18:14 …But Does It Matter?
23:13 In Conclusion…
I think if your going to have a poorly written survivor, be a Sable, not a Jonah
She’s so cringe that it’s actually kinda funny
Something I’ve never noticed till now is the entity seems to have an Interest in those who produce media . Kate – music . Haddie
podcast . Janetalk show . Mikaela – story teller . Sable – radio host . Nickolas cage – actor . Allan wake – writer . Feng – streamer .I think the comparison to Zarina (however it's spelled) is a bit unfair. Zarina is definitely a very one dimensional tropey character. The "immigrant who slowly learns to stop being embarrassed about their heritage and instead turning it into a tool for their career" trope is very popular.
Alright, but every time I see them I can’t help but notice how much they have in common with Enki from Fear & Hunger.
-Long Silvery Hair
-Obsessed with the Occult
-A real basement dweller
She needs an Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way skin because she so sooo not like the other survivors (preps)
Fernando War crimes fucking killed me lmao 🤣
Bruh I keep wanting to give you a shot, but you just keep simping so hard over skull merchant I don’t think I can watch another video. This video has nothing to do with skull merchant why are you bringing her up. As soon as you brought her up at seven minutes and 50 seconds in I’m done. chill and hop off her nuts. I miss just watching u not being defensive af over some character u have feelings for
Sable just comes across as immature, which I would assume is the point.
The first thing I thought of when I read the lore was to Sable Mikeala is her best friend in the world . To Mikeala sable is a friend .
oh mein gott this lore is sehr bad she just unsaved my life #canceled
Fernando Warcrimes might be the funniest thing I've heard related to DbD
So Sabel would recognise Amanda from the saw movies, possibly a fan girl
There's one hint towards Sable having a little more to her that could be added in the future. As one of her quotes, albeit sarcastic, is "Where's Toto?" Which also possibly implies she also likes/has seen classic films or is a book worm of some sort. As Toto is a character from the Wizard of Oz. But that's if Behavior starts taking a serious angle with her. Though even the most stereotypical goths have a soft side to them.
To be completely fair, nothing in dbd can be taken too seriously. Mikaela’s entire name sums her up as a person in two words… Mikaela means “who is like god” because she’s a powerful witch and her last name is Reid because of her Scottish origins and her family’s tendency to produce red hair. She’s an attractive young woman who can easily make friends but who is sad due to the passing of her father and as a result she turns to white witchcraft and writing and watching horror, yet she works as a barista at an occult cafe that has enough business to stay open but also just so happens to be in her small rural town where her and Sable are outcasts for being different. BHVR loves to pull stuff out of their rear ends and try to tie it together later. This is the same approach they’ve taken with building the foundation of their game with spaghetti coding. I personally love it, and I like learning stuff about characters but dbd is not a game to be taken seriously, and BHVR definitely meant for it to be at first, but as the playerbase had built itself to not take it seriously, BHVR decided to just wing everything, because we either eat it up or hate it but still keep playing.
After watching this, I almost wonder if Sable's story is going to turn into the villain from Meet the Robinson's.
Everyone in Greenville: "Hey Sable, wanna hang out with us?"
Sable: "They all hated me."
the survivor should have been Julian imo, though that would have been less profitable.
I would really like if Sable's tome would show her experiences inside the realm instead of outside. It would be the perfect way to tie her lore all together if she is actually a joke, because you have the "she wasn't going to let Mikaela have all the fun" immediately followed by "what have I gotten myself into"
One thing I think people are missing is that Sable and Mikaela are from a small town. Small towns in America tend to be predominantly white and set in their ways. Sable being 'not like anyone else'(I'm sick of people reducing it to the not like other girls thing when it's clear she's unlike ANYONE in the town) is the reason she feels othered. Mainstream is a subjective term and depends on your surroundings. In a small town, whatever the Majority is doing is considered mainstream and to be different from that isn't exactly good.
Sable IS weird. She's got violent interests. She's definitely NOT a conservative white Christian kind of person. Being an occultist is heavily frowned upon even in modern days, let alone in small town White America. People who don't live in the US sometimes don't get how much Christianity affects everything here. Doctors of all kinds can refuse to help you because it goes against their Christian beliefs. Family-owned businesses can refuse to let you in or let you shop because the Christians employed there THINK something about you is against their religious beliefs. Being not-Christian or not a Fundamentalist in the US, comes with its own share of BS.
As a character, Sable is the kind of person Fundies lose their shit over. She very much ISN'T like anyone in her small town and the next closest person to be somewhat like her is Mikaela which should tell you enough. She the black sheep in the bad way.
As someone who was forced to grow up around people who would very much ostracize people like Sable(and probably try to k!ll her) for being the way they are, I have a bit of a different view on her as a character. I was even nervous about whether or not BHVR was going to actually make her a real creepy occult Goth, and not just a conveniently pretty girl who wears some black now and then. I wanted her to be the freak of the town, and she is.
Hell, I've seen actual DbD players on Twitter being nervous about playing as Sable… cuz she super into occult stuff. They're playing a horror game about a godlike being kidnapping people to torment them for its own continued existence and amusement, but oh no! One of the 'good guys' is actually into the bad occult stuff and this isn't safe for me to play! If it's not misogyny, then it's homophobia, or overly religious views ruining the experience for others.
I like Sable. She's not my fav Survivor(that's Claudette) but I like the lore, the connections it makes, and the implications that come with it.
ppl want Survivor characters to stand out since the models are all basically re-skins. Yet you want them to be different from everybody else, but also don't want them to be a 'not like other girls' kind of person. But then also don't want them to be too deep and whatever they're into, otherwise it's cringe and unbelievable that someone would be that obsessed over their interests. But then you also don't want them to be too normal otherwise they'd be 'too relatable' and that's boring and not unique. But if they are somewhere in between then they lack direction and focus and are a fence-sitter who can't make up their mind on who they are supposed to be so you can't connect to them at all…
Going a step further, her being inserted into Mikaela’s story so hamfistedly might be another fan fiction element. She’s the best friend that wasn’t mentioned before. She’s more edgy and adventurous and dark than the original character. She’s a Mary Sue jumping into Greenville to be more Mikaela than Mikaela.
Despite her lore not being that great, ive never related to a character more- im a goth girl in a small rural community thats never felt like i belong anywhere and i dont have many friends. Sable is literally just like me fr
yeah i think that the not like other girls trope can be obnoxious because it's like… YOURE WHITE. youre middle-class, cis, maybe a little bi. in other words, Most Girls. but i guess a lot of queer or neurodivergent people can read her backstory and find it easy to project onto her their own differences. its me im people transbian sable ward no one can change my mind
"Like Sable Ward is the kind of name Sable Ward would give herself"
DAMN STRAIGHT IT IS 🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️
What if Sable thinks Mikaela is her best friend/only friend but Mikaela doesn't view her as close as what Sable sees her? It could explain why Sable isn't mentioned in Mikaela's lore
I mean, this Sable doesn't have to be from Mikaela's universe from the character we play as well. She could be a different Mikaela's universe, which might explain some differences. Of course, this only matters if she's meant to be taken seriously.
Also, if we're taking her seriously AND she's a joke parody of the sub culture of the time, her base lore could be her mind filling in missing details. She thinks of herself as Mikaela's best friend, so in her mind, thus her perspective, it's true. She just thinks of herself as edgier Mikaela, and her mind worked backward to fill in the blanks.
But as someone who knew people in the subculture, she's not quite at super parody levels for an American.
and they were roommates…
If you grew up in the suburbs in the 90's, you either were, or knew someone who was Sable.
My and my wife's headcanon is that Sable is the awkward, delusional weirdo stalker and Mikaela is largely unaware of her existence.
On another note: Maybe I'm either too much of a misfit or just really into horror and tomboys, but the "not like the other girls" trope is not something that I actually think stands out, and definitely never bothered me. Granted, in this case, it's used in PLACE of depth, but on its own I don't mind it at all. I will die on that hill of bug-loving goth horror nerd girls.
She’s cool.
On the connection to Mikaela, one could say that Mikaela meant a lot more to Sable than Sable meant to Mikaela
Doesn't DBD use multiverses? Cheap way to get out of plot holes. I'd just assume Sable is looking for Mikaela, but didn't find HER Mikaela. Julian doesn't need to be around because he isn't where she's from.
“Or worse a JK Rowling novel” lmao why are people pretending they never liked Harry Potter?
THANK YOU! the moment i saw her i was like 'oh shes a mall goth! nice!' and no one picked it, instead being mad she wasnt a trad goth or calling her an e-girl
Personally I kinda read Sable's lore as how she sees herself, though not from her direct perspective. I think it's not completely representative of reality, just like a lot of self-insert fanfic (like My Immortal, which yeah they were DEFF pulling from for inspiration for Sable). She's a caricature and I DO think that's on purpose. I'm thinking the upcoming tome might humanize her a bit more, show her to us with more in-universe accuracy.
They need to slap a legendary/ultra rare Julian skin onto Sable and call it a day, honestly
Fernando warcrimes is amazing tho
The way her story is written so "over the top" doesnt really bother me. To me, it just sounds like Sable would write about herself. Maybe writing in 1st person in that case would've been more "correct" but I don't really mind.
Edit: I very much agree with your impression, that Sable was shoved into Mikaela's life because she would make numbers. Way more numbers than Julian ever would have.
She's vex from league omfg
I have had the… unique fortune to have known quite a few girls like Sable when I was going up (in a small town, no less!). Like… exactly like Sable, including the "I HAVE to be adopted, no way could these people have birthed me!" bit.
Most of them grew out of it, eventually, and went on to be decent, tolerable people once they managed to shake the sticks out of their asses.
The funniest thing was that not one of them could stand to be around the others. A whole lot of "I am the one true Goth! Everyone else is a poser! Only I am allowed to like This Thing!"
To me, Sable's lore reads like she wrote about herself without wanting it to come off as her writing about herself.
Wether thats good or bad is up to the reader, i guess.
My feeling on the way they described Sable and Mikaela's connection was that Sable looked up to Mikaela and considered her to be her best friend because she felt understood by Mikaela…. but that Mikaela didn't have the same emotional connection that Sable felt. It's almost like Mikaela was someone that Sable looked up to as someone a bit older than her and also alternative in her own way. So Sable clung onto that. Mikaela was Sable's best friend, but Sable wasn't Mikaela's best friend (if that makes sense). In Sable's lore, Mikaela seemed to be there for Sable and help her out in some ways, but you never feel a real emotional connection from Mikaela to Sable. Mikaela obviously cared about Sable, but I think Sable held a side role in Mikaela's life. It kind of feels like Sable is clinging to Mikaela as her best friend and lifeline because it is the closest she has to feeling understood and accepted, but the intensity and importance of the relationship isn't quite returned to her in the same way. Sable tries to give her suggestions that mean a lot to her (such as excitedly suggesting the story Mikaela should tell at the festival, and trying to get matching tattoos), but Mikaela seems to brush it off easily as something that holds little weight and importance to her. It means a lot to Sable, but not to Mikaela. That's how I read the connection between the two, which makes sense why Sable isn't mentioned in Mikaela's lore. I hope that makes sense.
Its funny that she did all that for Mikaeala, and she isnt even Mikaelas best friend 😀 Its Julien 😀
Hearing Sable's lore in comparison with Mikaela's, it really sounds like Sable bumped into her once and somehow became obsessed with being her friend and saw her and Mikaela as inseparable "besties". While Mikaela just saw her as another person that she interacts with but that is being a bit clingy. Kinda like a one sided friendship?
I really like Fernando Warcrimes. I might change my name.
17:30 – 18:05 Finally someone said that out loud.
I see Sable in a bit same light as Vittorio in this regard. Character made intentionally with nothing in mind other than the "sexy sells" even at the cost of consistency.
great video, great takes, i don't care, i'll use mikaela and my gf will use sable and we say "they are so us"
I like to think that Sable’s lore is “Sable according to Sable.” A sort of unreliable narrator situation
What bothers me is that Sable is nowhere to be found in Mikaela's lore. It feels odd, considering how close they were, according to Sable's lore. That make her lore more… unbeliveable, I guess.
So I have a head canon, that Sable saw Mikaela as close as it could possibly be, while Mikaela decided to be her friend simply out of pity. And so Sable saying that they are best friends, choosed tatoo together, Mikaela was THE ONLY ONE who understood her, while in reality, Mikaela still wasn't as extreme horror fan as Sable, didn't actually wanted a tatoo, and in the end choosed to make a story with Jullian.