Saltiest Survivors ever! You make no sense! vs the good teams! | Dead by Daylight

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Saltiest Survivors ever! You make no sense! vs the good teams! | Dead by Daylight

Hey all it’s PotatoLegion here!

Do not worry! If you are here looking for normal good gameplay against actual good non-salty survivors then jump to the section below!

The first section we have two salty people come say hello in the stream! If you don’t like a killer in the game then get over it, because people in the game will! You have no right to bad mouth anyone who plays a killer you don’t like! End of story!

I hope you enjoy their saltiness for entertainment values 😉

Introduction (0:00)
Salty 2 survivors (1:03)
Build explanation (9:20)
Great survivors (9:50)
DC streamer game 🙁 (23:47)
Ending (32:29)

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34 thoughts on “Saltiest Survivors ever! You make no sense! vs the good teams! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. That survivor is so pent up and selfish they had the audacity to go in your stream and just think they can make your decision like this game is a PvE wtf

  2. getting salty about camping and tunneling, ok killer was asshole so survivors may get a little bit mad
    But i never seen baby survivors crying that you play one specific killer.

  3. dead by daylight players have no problem admitting every day that they will never amount to anything. that takes courage. im laughing so hard it hurts. mikey takes skill? all you gotta do is stand there and stalk omg

  4. there is not a better feeling in dbd when you roast a salty survivor
    "i dont like playing against trash killers lol"
    "well i dont like playing against trash survivors but here i am"
    priceless, and hey guess which killer im maining too 😀

  5. If you don't like Legion I can play Freddy or Spirit… "Yeah you would play Freddy" ummm he was showcasing I coulda played a killer countless people cry about but sure 'I play Freddy'

  6. If I kill myself on hook it usually means my teammates aren't even making an effort to save me. It's never against the killer, cuz even if they camp it just wastes time.

  7. that Adam man … dc'ing in the beginning of the match is such a B!tchmove, its fking over his team and no1 else – if anything the killer got ur bbq stack anyway and now an easy game.
    people tend to rage quit so fast, even though i got the perfect angle for a beamer safe they dc and screw me over as well its so annoying

  8. this is amazing when killer says that survs were playing good when it just was the killer who was playing bad and survs didn't do anything spectacular, that's what happened in the 2 game

  9. Playing any killer isn’t hard. Killers begin getting 4K games at rank 18 and it doesn’t end. Survivors only get good around purple ranks but even then it’s a rough grind.

    That’s why survivors are always so salty. If you play casually it’s pretty difficult as survivor.


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