Salty Entitled "AYRUN" Streamer | Copyright Strike Attack | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #dbdAyrun #dbdKiller #ayrun

I wish I had the raw footage, but I don’t so I had to review the original video that I put out.
A few days after we released the original, it recieved a copyright strike from Ayrun, immediately putting 1 of 3 attacks on my channel, that I had to proceed to removed via LEGAL measures.

It blew my mind that such a well achieved Content Creator would outright try to MUTE anything being reviewed about them as a creator as well as opinions and responses to their behaviour in the game.

Ayrun has made a big career off the back of annoying and making fun of elements of the game, I simply serve to do the same, including anything silly creators say or do in Stream, litterally what he does.

Anyway, I wanted to make more people aware that this happened and shed a fresh light / look on this goldmine of content.

TimeZones for Streams
2:30 CST
3:30 EST
12:30 PST
20:30 UK
Every Day.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


46 thoughts on “Salty Entitled "AYRUN" Streamer | Copyright Strike Attack | Dead by Daylight”

  1. re: the face camping bs. i had a match the other day as bubba where I had an AWFUL start against survivors way out of my league, it was down to 1 gen I think I only had 1 hook. I caught one, and i heard all 3 following me to the hook to try block it. all 3 were around me, so i stayed by the hook. injured one, downed another with chainsaw and they got the save. The saved person fucked up totally so I downed her again. Anyway ended up I think 3k or 4k. one was a streamer, i went to say GG damn I had an awful start I didn't deserve that result.. got lots of hate that I face camped and tunneled. like jay says.. GO DO A GEN. I RARELY camp, and i barely EVER tunnel, i just don't care. I always go for the unhooker and leave the other alone. It usually ends up in a tbag session at the exit gates but I'm new i'm just trying to have fun.

  2. also another thing. i LIKE Ayrun (generally). He's a good player! But the arguments in this match (and copyright striking) is ridiculous. OK his making it unfun for everyone else comment. I have watched some of his videos on I think is his 2nd channel, and he faces the most baby killers it's actually mind boggling. I'm pretty sure it's a smurf account, and he does everything in the book to make the baby killer miserable. he doesn't give a fuck about their fun. He wants to make them look stupid and post it as content. also i saw him m1 as billy the other day.. GHASP!! 😂

  3. I was watching a streamer and someone asked them how to play as killer they were new and I said don’t worry about what the survivors say and just play how you want, and the streamer got mad and said you should care and banned me 😂

  4. I've played or played with some of the streamers. Dowsey and him I can't stand. They are so entitled and terrible in solo queue. Tru is just a grumpy a-hole who isn't as good as he thinks he is. His builds tell you that.

  5. ay man i been watching ayrun since before his name change like over a year ago. but unbiased opinion is that he’s definitely in the wrong. you played to win and thats what killers do. if ayrun plays to put on a show then he shouldnt care about winning honestly. the hypocrisy was real and i hope he becomes self aware

  6. You have to put a mesage or say about the Copyright disclaimer on YouTube. You are legally allowed to comment and use someone video if you don't use it for cyberbullying and other things.

  7. So I looked at your channel and also this video you’re saying the same stuff just as him you’re showing off that you have beaten players and this is why I find it hard to sympathize with people who is just going against the other person even though they’re doing the same stuff and you’re going to say that I am part of his community I am not just one person seen both sides of the picture and I’m getting déjà vu so to the people who want to defend Mr. J go run ahead I don’t care I’m giving my opinion but note this epic going to come at me like he did with him what I am doing like both of them I making a commentary on this also we are just human beings just want to complain on everyone I’m at a point in my life that I do not give A crap of what people‘s going to say about me online I mean I know better than everyone else but hey you’re welcome to come argue with me but I really don’t give a crap like ZMR percent if you want to reply back

  8. I don't watch Aryun anymore. Haven't missed anything special lmao.

    I play both roles and as a survivor I can't stand that kind of "bully the killer relentlessly" mentality, so I'll leave those teammates to die. The salt you get from those survivors as a member of the team is much more vicious compared to being the killer LOL. Even as the killer, either way the game goes you're getting swarmed with angry messages. There is no fun for killer.

  9. Good to know that getting bm'ed and everything is fine if the survivors are having fun, macro spam, death threats (yes I have a few) all of those are fine IF the survivors are having fun but if the killer plays smart or "unfun" then you are the evil one.

  10. The funniest part about all of this to me is that this man called your build the triple condom build, and then proceeded have nigh identical perks on his killer with a flimsy af excuse. I laughed then and I'm still laughing now. Sorry about your strike though and I wish you the best going forward.

  11. This dude actually went through with this? Bro, we are talking about a video game. This is not me creating a patent label and then legally going through the hoops to copyright the material.

    The only dude this guy works with that I actually respect is Otzdarva. He has taken the time to break down every aspect of this game and has excellent material.

    You win some and lose some, although I am probably in the 40-50 percentile in regards to overall MMR.

    Watch SpooknJukes, he has a similar mentality as me regarding the game.

    Basement bubba/trapper
    Scratch Mirror Myers
    Old OP Spirit

    Have fun with it, and remember it’s just a game. The killers also have tomb challenges they are trying to complete. It’s not easy for us novice players to get 7 hooks in one game or finish repairing 4 generators using this perk etc.

  12. So I’m like half way through is video and I just want to say as a killer main who has a done what decent MMR. I hate when survivor slam gens super fast when I’ve got thana as my only slowdown or whatever. I also hate it when survivors for no reason decide to t bag and click and give killers grief. If I’ve tunnelled or camped or hit on hook then whatever, but when I’m being fair it’s just a real kick in the teeth. These survivors will complain about all these things and when they get a nice killer they still decided to me an ass for whatever reason. On the flip side, camping and tunnelling isn’t fun. I would rather get 8 hooks and 0 kills than 4 hooks 4 kills. That shit is boring and that’s not where skill is in DBD in my opinion. It’s the ability to juggle these 4 survivors and roster around the map and end chases quickly with mind games. That’s partly why I hate killers like nurse and spirit and hag and all these killers that are anti loop. For me the fun is with red stain mind games and shit like that. That’s the real outplay. When a spirit phases on my ass cuz I don’t have iron will, that’s not skill. But double back fakes from reading survivor movements are (all my opinion). That’s why I can’t respect either side when they do these things. There are exceptions however. Camping the last 10 seconds of a hook cuz the other survivor did gens is perfectly fine. Tunnelling cuz u literally will lose the game as there’s 1 gen left is fine. But when the killer is on top and still plays like an ass it’s just boring. Both sides have the ability to be unfun and dicks. Unfortunately the mentality of players and toxicity within the game means we can’t all just play fair and have fun.

  13. I actually could handle his hypocrisy, because he is entertaining. But giving strikes, just because somebody voiced there opinion is f up. From what I seen the video was pretty chill. That could have turned in to a healthy discussion, but hey this is the way he went. I won't be watching him anymore. Or the hardcore survivor series that was pretty nice, but this is unacceptable

  14. I used to really enjoy ayrun content because he was good at the game but now every time I watch one of his videos I’m just wondering how much of his complaining and bitching is cut out to make him look more like a fun loving content creator

  15. Watched Ayrun for only a little bit before I found your initial video talking about this situation–– making yourself look like an ass or hypocritical I could overlook because shit happens in the heat of the moment and everyone will make an ass out of themselves every now and then. But after the copyright strike I refuse to. That's such an utterly shitty move and I refuse to watch those group/team videos that feature him in it now, which is a shame since those will have other players I genuinely like. But nope, fuck that. That said I'd been loving your content and how you try to take the time to show your POV of gameplay/decisions you made when salty players come into your stream.

    Your & SpooknJuke's attitudes/povs toward playing killer has super helped me relax about it and not get so anxious if I get bad games

  16. uhm okay not to be rude to anyone but i don't really see the point of this vid? he is a chill guy, also he did nothing wrong at all. you also seem like a chill guy, let just all enjoy the game instead of shitting on each other?

  17. So, I main doctor (when killer), currently, via PS4. The trophy in hunt: shock 500 survivors.

    You think I'm keeping fun in-mind when it's flashlights and fireworks going off around every corner? No. This is a video game. There are objectives Please. Folks need to loosen up.

    You, my guy, please, keep uploading your gameplay. You do what needs to be done, and it's safe to say that we enjoy it, AND your audience is growing.

  18. Integrity is one of the most important things in this world and I'm glad some people like yourself still have it. People are quick to claim fame, but don't like being held accountable. It's just like his situation with his language. He did a half ass apology and couldn't even bring himself to say what he said. I'm glad you do what you do and I'm glad I found your content brother.

  19. I will admit, I've seen a handful of his videos mostly to see what survivor perks mesh well. I hardly bring flashlights and what not unless I have a challenge for the Tome. But I think you made a good point in saying how survivors generally automatically get annoyed/angry at the killer without knowing the context of all parties. And I think if there was a bit more understanding (mostly for survivors to killers) there would be less hatred all around. I'm starting to understand/accept camping more as a strategy. BUT I'll always have issues with slugging someone the full four minutes or face camping for no reason other than to be a dick.

  20. I don’t think it’s hypocrisy he’s saying how it was back then not saying he doesn’t do it now because it’s more acceptable. Claiming that hypocrisy is wrong and sorry but you are making many assumptions that just are so far reaching, he is certainly in the wrong but you aren’t anywhere near the right either. And obviously it isn’t fun to go against slugging and I’m a hardcore killer main but him saying his hours doesn’t feel like him flexing but just giving background information that he has experience in this game.

  21. I just can't stand listening to him anymore, game is only fun if he can bully the killer into submission. Theres no skill with stacking the best perks in the game and running a killer forever who you go out of your way to make mad, wheres their fun?

  22. It's incredibly difficult for me to understand what either the current you or the you in the video is saying when you're talking over yourself. It does suck that a big name has done this… I'm sorry it has happened… but maybe pause the video you're watching, then talk? I can't understand a dang thing coming out of your mouth when that happens. The same is true for when Aryun is talking and you start talking. I genuinely cannot follow what either of you are saying.

  23. Ayrun is young and naive and immature he shows it sometimes its sad. Hasnt grown up and doesnt realize what a copyright strike can do to someone and takes away their money and channel. Its sad man and I wish he would realize and not have his ego stuck in his ass.

  24. your a king. I like Ayruns plays, they are cool. But he needs to understand you are an amazing player as well, and you 2 happen to play on opposite teams. He needs better sportsmanship is really what it boils down too.

    everyone has bad days, and gets frustrated, but he has a large following, and doubles down trying to justify his salty attitude.

  25. I really don't understand survivor entitlement like they have such an advantage as soon as every game starts no matter what and they still feel they have a good reason to bitch there's nothing most of the killers can do against a good team one short chase and 3 gens are done so I really don't get it


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