Salty Streamer Thinks I'm Stream Sniping – Dead by Daylight

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I Faced A Salty Streamer Who Thought I Was Stream Sniping Her While I Played Nemesis. I was recording the entire thing, as I always do when I face twitch streamers for this exact reason. Appearently if you go into this streamers stream for even a second, you will be accused of stream sniping. Not a good experience. Hope you all enjoy! Please don’t send any hate or harassment to this person, it’s all just fun content at the end of the day! 😀

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He’s fighting his own war and he has no rules. No boundaries. He doesn’t flinch at torture, human trafficking, or genocide. He’s not loyal to a flag or a country or any set of ideals. He even tunnels in a video game. God help him 🙏

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You snoop around too much… Anyways, have a great rest of your day! 😀


48 thoughts on “Salty Streamer Thinks I'm Stream Sniping – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Ayyy I got accused of Stream Sniping simply for going to their stream before the match just to see if they were live. I even showed proof it's been paused since the offering scene but they persisted and blamed the devs for their loss. Funny.

  2. 'Hes tunneling all the ttv's…; Wtf are you on hes literally hooking everyone and has had plenty of chances to tunnel a person out but doesnt lol

    'Hes so mad' Um what? hes gotten so many hooks with 4 gens still up and hes vibing/chillin lol dont think she knows what mad is

    When she says hes stream sniping and stuff and always feels like people know where she is… i hear so many people say that and its just insane do people not get they leave behind scratchs, blood trails and loud noises while injured? its pretty easy to track people especially when their injured.

    Cant blame you on the gen rush comment i been getting gen rushed alot. Was playing trapper other day and they got 3 gens done in 2 mins maybe even less than 2mins. I got my first hook and i hooked them in basement killer shack and loaded the whole thing up with traps basically and ended up with 4k and alot of salt messages hurling my way

    Gratz on 2k great vid cant wait for next! Cant wait for you to hit 5k

  3. The Paranoia of that Streamer is beyond awful. She literally was ranting about streamsniping for a minute before even seeing you and is continueing the WHOLE match complaining instead of focus on playing. Her commentary is straight up annoying because she literally doesnt talk about something else than accusing of streamsniping and useing it as excuse for EVERYTHING happening. Its a versus game and the Killers whole Role is to kill people and do the things they have to do, it doesnt freaking make a difference if you are a ttv or not but you see it as the only reason the killer interacts in any way with you. What is the killer supposed to do to please you? Ignore you for the whole match? Girl please get your mindset right. Thats just Nonsense.

  4. survivors "knowing where I am is cheating" also survivors, "im going to play with friends so I can call out where the killer is at all times"

    I know these didn't but thats just skill issue I guess

  5. As a killer main, we don’t have time to stream snipe, you have to constantly be thinking like there’s too much that goes on while playing killer. I don’t see how people stream snipe and for the ones that do they’re just really bad which means you should be able to run them. Ttv’s are quick to say someone’s stream sniping and they shouldn’t be because most of us killer mains just don’t have the time to do it.

  6. I had a match that was similar, I was trying to create content from both angles. I got called a stream sniper bc they played horribly, apparently ppl have forgotten abt headphones, gen patrolling etc etc.

  7. Bro.. no matter what you did, it was the wrong choice..
    Streamer: wooow he is chasing me cause I’m strimmer
    You start chasing someone else
    Also Streamer: woooow he is such a douche.. he is chasing the other survivor being a dickhead”

  8. Her friend is just as bad as she is like bro it's not that serious not every killer that comes into chat is sitting there stream sniping. People need to get over themselves lol. I've been accused of sniping too just because I saw a ttv name in the lobby and went to twitch to see if they were streaming so I could type something like I'm the killer glhf or whatever.

    Then I come back to see their reaction after the game and It's just oh yeah why did you stream snipe and insults just because they were killed. Luckily though in my experience 8-10 times they are at least somewhat decent it's just a small number of people that have huge egos for whatever reason.

  9. I love how she and her friend sound like cartoon mean girl bully characters lmaooo. "I aaalways, like, think someone's like streamsniping me like… Y'know like everyone is like sooo obsessed with me, like literally, like he wants me so bad. Like, literally…"


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