SALTY SURVIVORS CALLED ME FAT | Dead by Daylight Highlight

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The classic, go to the persons stream and insult the streamers appearance because they lost a game of DBD. Amazing what it takes to flip a mind to that point. It doesn’t bother me, but I know it bothers others, enjoy the process!

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


otzdarva, no0b3, TRU3TA1ENT


19 thoughts on “SALTY SURVIVORS CALLED ME FAT | Dead by Daylight Highlight”

  1. They just get screwed over by mmr at this point.
    High mmr is a large Pool of players of different mmr levels and the differences between the mmr brackets are huge. At some point both sides use absolutely everything they can to win.
    That means adapting to different strategies and understanding that there are efficient Strategies for both sides.
    In a real working mmr someone with 2.5 k mmr should always be Match with PPL close to his mmr. That creates tough but incredibly fun games. New tactics and Strategies and constant adaptation on both sides.
    Teams that complain about strategies a killer uses obviously dont know how counter the Strategy therefore failing to adapt.
    So it can be said that from a skill level they were on a similar level to you.
    But game sense they failed so it was a mismatch.

  2. when you spend first half of the match complimenting them on their pathing, dead hard timing, ect, only to get to the end game chat for them to cry cause they got wiped. Thats not good players. thats players that have watched 600 hours of "how to loop every killer" and rage so hard that their L33t skillz failed them they knocked over their sippy cup and spill cheetoz everywhere.

  3. Your microphone is making a high pitched noise in this video everytime you speak.
    I don't know if this also happens in your streams but you might want to check it out.

  4. I don't getting this level of mad. I mean I do understand being upset. Never feels good to lose a game, but why get so into that anger it's better to just step back and take a breather.

  5. bizarre how some think its socially acceptable to go into a stream and insult somebody over a game……These are the people that give the DBD Community a bad name because they are so immature and childish and the funny thing is these are probably adults, my kid has more maturity than some of these players sheesh……Just beat em with that hairline nobody would dare go against that….Great vid keep em coming

  6. (My comments turned into a f-ing essay sorry about that.)

    Dead by Daylight's community is really something. Back when i started the game, i was a little salty because i was a beginner playing with friends and mmr was based on ranks (before the grade rework). They were iridescent.
    I didn't understand the game and was fuming because of the infamous face camping bubba that i would face 40% of my matches, the noed which felt like a robbery or killer playing efficient.
    I was salty and said things like nice noed, nice camp tunnel and left right after. But i never went out of my way to insult people or whatever bs like that.

    I played quite a lot of DBD in a small amount of time and around 300 hours i was fed up with the game because of one match against a nemesis who litterally forbided me to play. I took a break from the game and maybe a month later i came back with a fresh mindset. Got welcomed by insidious Bubba… Didn't say anything and moved on with my game.

    Later i faced a Blight who was running what i call the "hostage build" (Deadman switch, Pain Resonance and Corrupt) which was brand new to the meta. He started to "talk smack" because of dead hard. I answered by addressing his build and at some point i just said "Hey man let's not waste our time bitching about perks. GGWP have a good day my guy."
    After that, i tried to understand why people camp tunnel and slug by myself and ended up watching some SpooknJukes and ManFaceJay. It Reinforced what i understood: at some point killers will have to make decision if they want to win. That's all.

    Am i salt free now ? No, face camping Bubba when you just spawned in the game is frustating. But i don't moan about it, i just move on to the next game. By the way, don't killyourselves on hook, you are buying time to your team when the killer camps. (I only play survivor so i must conspire against the killer even on a killer chanel. It's written in the rule book).

    Eventually i figured that what annoys me is to not be able to get a run or loop, not the camp itself. I got face camped and tunneled by a Spirit that i looped for 4 gens and was not bothered. Sooo maybe the problem comes from you survivors, not the killer.

    That is my "journey" as a survivor main so far.

    Sorry for the essay. Cheers.

  7. Right as soon as I finish watching the scary generators video with deathslinger I said we needed an oni next and what do I see the oni 😍😍😍😍 too bad u didn't bring mori hopefully next time lol

    Man now people going for lose weight man
    9:18 ahh explains why they didn't heal still stupid unless they were working on a gen and hopefully not rescuing OMG 2 resilience

    Seriously survivors u say u don't like get tunnel or camp I mean if u don't want that or be an easy target just freaking heal up cause if u went up against an oni u definitely should heal hahaha but if using ur resilience is more important then go ahead DONT BLAME KILLERS they can't heal u u can or your teammates hahaha

  8. Watched this match LIVE!
    It's funny how that fella got timed out for 10 minutes first then 5 hours then your mod decided to permanently ban them as if she was coolly shooting them half-lethal and then took a headshot 💥 like a gangster 😆
    I love DBD, man! Hahahaha!

  9. Salty survivor: u need to leave that chair my guy and lose (*loose*) some weight.
    Me: get off that chair salty survivor and shake off the salt that is covering you.
    I had a game like this yesterday, was on the farm map, I couldn't heal myself and for some reason my teammates decided healing was a bad idea, guess who I blamed? My teammates that were alive, it's not the killer's fault when survivors pull dumb plays, and their dumb play cost them the game and I was salty about that game. Your doing great man, loving the content.


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