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Dead by Daylight Survivors hate my current way of playing with the no hook sadako build on other killers such as today’s killer, Clown. This specific survivor was prettyyyy upset with how the game went.

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Clown Gameplay!
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48 thoughts on “SALTY SURVIVORS CAN'T COPE WITH LOSING! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. That Baby Trash Rat guy is a regular on the steam DbD forums, spams "Killers OP nerf them" threads endlessly day after day. I seriously doubt he's played a single game as killer lol.

  2. I've been running this play style for a long time now. Glad you're experiencing the same fun. If you want something nasty to try, go with Blight and use knockout, infectious, jolt and nurses and put on his purple addon where you're undetectable while rushing, absolutely insane fun and total chaos for survivors! You can also swap out nurses and run discordance or tinkerer for information.

  3. As a survivor main their behavior was so uncalled for, but unfortunately it’s not uncommon. I hate other survivors who think they’re entitled to a win and get mad when they don’t.

  4. I like the way you deal with these people, like you r so calm and tried to reason with them. If i were u I would literally be like " jeez i have no energy to deal with these dumdum"

  5. Baby calling killers that avoiding bt and ds are scummy … lol wat?
    No killers want to get ds and bt and if they learn to avoid that perks it made them a better killer lol
    In his mind "good killers" are dumb newbie ones who take on everything and let all survivors escape XD
    which probably what he did as killers so he played survivors instead lol

  6. Mad props to gecko for not being salty, and actually being cool. I just adore when survivors get owned by competent playing and then decide that it was because of "camping" or whatever excuse they have. Seriously mad respect for Gecko, and shame on baby trash rat, all the more so cuz I love rats.

  7. When he was like “you waited out BT and DS!” Well killers have adapted to ds and bt being in every game, so we know to wait those things out! He’s acting like you can get banned for waiting out bt and ds

  8. Started using this yesterday with The Artist, using fearmonger instead of stbfl( because I don't have it on her yet). This has to be the most fun I've had as killer in a while, and I've actually started winning some games lol. Kudos to you for this.

  9. I've played with Gecko before, really chill person. Won't take the game so seriously like that butt hurt dumbass.
    Great games Red! Loving this new strat, really is a game changer imho

  10. This is a really obnoxious playstyle, but I don't see the point in getting upset about it since a lot of survivors also play obnoxiously lol. They got free pickups and could've finished gens faster because some chases were pretty long since you were switching targets after downing instead of picking up.

  11. Don't hate the player, hate the game. BHVR could easily improve the game so that tunneling/camping/slugging is rewarded less, and killers get more time to actually go for more hooks to compensate. BHVR doesn't.

  12. The whole DBD survivor crying about killer strategies thing reminds me so much of when MOBAs were newer. I cannot remember the amount of times when I started League back then when somebody died and then cried in all chat about how you ganged up on them, how fighting 2 vs 1 wasn't fair and how you were honourless for not dueling them "fairly".
    Good players don't do that. Good players realise that if they get ambushed in a strategy game that's them failing at team coordination and not keeping track of their enemies. Good players will know whether it's safe to fight somebody, realise when they are baited into a trap, and will try to make the enemy's backup waste time by being at their lane without gaining anything or get their own reinforcements to counterattack.
    It's the same thing for these guys. Complaining about your opponent using strategy is not condusive to improving the game. You are basically just asking for your opponent to let you win because otherwise they "have no skill."
    And if the best strategies make the game not fun, that's a problem with the game.


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