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You pick your spots and you throw, this was a perfect time to camp and they know it, as soon as they realised that they would need to re-organise, heal and then save, it was game over. Just like chess, moved the right pieces and I check mate.
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More about Dead By Daylight:
A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.
otzdarva, no0b3, TRU3TA1ENT
3 dc within seconds 😂 that’s brilliant and it’s their fault for messing up. Keep up the great work. loving content and the live streams. Can’t wait for the next one
Surv mains really think taking 0 points and a timeout in exchange for you not getting to use your Mori offering is a win for them lol
Love to see it Jay. Keep it up lad you’re a sadako god ❤️ GGEZ salty Surv Mains
Lmao weak shit swf
Hi Jay! early haha love the videos and streams
Is this an old clip btw? I seem to recall watching this maybe on stream a bit ago? I might be wrong
she fun and one of my best killers ring bitch man lol
i agree i play suvivor and killer and yea gens are a thing but i heal and take 5 totoms out just in case of oh idk noed lol and i had this 4 man bang out gens i kill 2 last gen pops get other 2 couse noed they go your trash killer noed imagine i go imagine not taking out 5 totoms lol its like yall want to gens fast thats fine but dont bitch when noed fucks you its a perk you can take out before it actives
This reminds me of a game I had a long time ago, one person was dead, we had three gen ourselves, and we all ended up injured at some point, I wanted to heal, the two wanted to push generators instead of heal, although we was three gen, well we all ended up getting knocked down, the killer did give me hatch, but I was still highly annoyed at the other two survivors for not healing so we could try to get a generator done without getting one hit when running off of it when the killer came by lol.
One simply doesn't breathe too hard around survivors. Survivors will scurry from you if you so much as breathe too hard.
Tru3 seems to think if you start a lunge before doing a drop you will save time as a killer as well as have full control of the drop.. But.. It does not seem so when I have been keeping track of time. He does it all the time when it only seems to work time wise on specific drops. But he does it with all of the drops.. In-fact most of the drops it actually hurts you. Since you are landing before the lunge is over and it shaves off some of your movement. Unless you get a hit on those its not worth doing the lunge since it forces you to land like a survivor does without balanced landing… And not like how the killer lands with almost 0 time that gets wasted.. IE. You are slower on those kinds of drops if you lunge while you wont be in the ones that the lunge finishes before you land.
The only reason why I am mentioning Tru3 here is due to the fact that I noticed other killer players starting to try out what hes mentioned, and I have tested it constantly myself.. and the results are as I thought. Its mixed… As mentioned it really depends on the drop itself.. You can not just do it on all drops like he does and expect it to work on all. ( A problem Tru3 has is once he thinks he figures something out, he uses it on everything thinking it works that way. He used to be really bad with cookie cutter builds in the past due to it. Took a LOOONG time before he finally realized different killers need different builds to work well with their abilities… In-fact I would say its only in the last year or so that hes finally broke out of doing the 1 build for all sort of thing… Talking about when hes playing his own build and not a requested build. I am not throwing any shade at Tru3 here. I like his stuff but its just one of his issues… and once he latches on he will sadly not listen and think you are full of it.. And it takes a LONG time for him to realize that he was wrong, but he does not admit it and thinks its a "new thing he found out".. Bleh.. Good guy but everyone has issues, that is one of his lol. )
Glad you seemed to have figured out Sadako a bit. One of the key things is figuring out how her phasing in and out works. Once you get that down you will have much better games with her.. Of course learning how and when to teleport as well is another key thing.
You are using her best addons outside of a specific build that basically allows her to teleport as often as she wants. Sadly she does not have a lot of good builds when it comes to her addons. At least builds that work at high end anyway.. But a lot of killers have that issue anyway. Only a few do not… A problem I feel that needs to be looked at by the devs. Since I feel there should be a variety for both sides that should be viable in all areas of the game.. Only being down to 1 or 2 is just not right I feel.
I know its third comment.. But I wanted to mention something that not everyone seems to know. You probably already know it but just in-case.. When you are playing Sadako and are looking for survivors. You can look at the TVs. If the TV is playing the video, it means a survivor is near. If its just static then it means there are no survivors near it. Its just a small thing to keep in mind when you know/feel a survivor might be trying to hide near a area that has a TV.