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Want to turn Doctor into a Stealth Killer and play Hit and Run? This build does it and some salty survivors were not the happiest about it!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Doctor Gameplay!
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00:00 Build Breakdown
01:38 Doctor Game 1
11:21 Game 2
You should collab with tru3tal3nt
Hey Red big fan of yours and thanks for all the content. You helped me get back into DBD with all the vids.
2:34 What A Shot
big props to that guy at the very end roasting the 2 morons who mostly just did boons.
This is one of the reasons I don't use boons. I'd much rather be on gens or in chase
That game one endgame chat… They must all be clown mains.
Wait how was the guy that dc'd in the end game chat?
Really interesting build and it was cool seeing how well you used Doctor's power in second game
I'm trying this
Yeah they complain about the build cuz they prefer to face more varied killers, like starstruck Nurse for example.
Very interesting build, thanks! Will definitely try it (but with Overcharge instead of Call of Brine, because I don't have it)
Complaining on killer playing 3 gens seems so stupid. The same thing as if killer complaining survivors running away lol
So it's your fault they lost because they made a very stupid, bad play by hard commiting to a gen instead of dispersing? #Entitledsurvivorlogic.
i was actually just thinking about a build like this and wondering if youd upload it LOL
Clapped. Nice build💪🏾
Build recommendation
Never ending hunt demo
Save the best
Face the darkness