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#DBD #dbdkiller
0:00 – Intro
0:12 – Garden of Joy SALT!
6:43 – Haddonfield!
yknow pyramid head just be doing things to people. gotta love it
pheads addons are so bad/stupid.
I see you do this, and survivors get 3 gens in 1 minute in my games.
I've been doing a new way for tunneling where if survivors are going for taking a hit twice I'll slug them and still go after a survivor that is dead on hook which is pretty good because that will leave one survivor being chased and the other doing nothing one or two doing for a save or taking more hits and I'll still slug them and speaking of win streaks 2 weeks ago during the anniversary event I've finally got 1000 wins streak as artist which I've screenshot it and I'm working on editing the screenshot and post it on my steam profile for a great achievement that i achieved.
Grey I gotta ask, what is shattered hope doing in your winstreak build 😮
Edit: Or is that retribution ;-: they look so similar
That “deaf” guy is a P100. I think he’s doing fine…
I'm so confused by the deaf guy's logic… There is no way for you to tell he's deaf. I'm disabled too, and there's virtually no way to tell online that I'm disabled unless we TELL someone. Guy needs to calm down, jeez.
Omg please bring more pirámid head
Remember kids, it's perfectly fine for survivors to bring every meta item+addon and perk. But if you play the META builds/playstyles on killer you're the literal anti-christ.
Speed perks on survivor was such a busted idea, some killers just feel it SO badly. As a Nemesis main i feel like i’m waltzing for eternity sometime, just can’t catch them with some loops
Hey Grey, I have a cool Ghostface build for you: Jolt,Lethal Pursuer,Surveillance,Pain Resonance! I would like to see you make a video using it!
i m also a phead main i m also on 20 win in streak
I want a blight win streak
How dare you not let the deaf survivor go?! Did you not see the big label above their head saying "deaf please go easy on me"?
Honestly bully squads is toxic and flat out disrespectful. They are hiding under actual character's names rather than their own proves they are cowards!!! I am going to confess publicly anyone doing this in DbD, I have virtually zero respect for you. This game was meant to be fun for everyone. It was never meant for you to ruin other people's fun by doing such tactics. I don't even care they start to target me in DbD over this comment, you heard my thoughts loud & clear.
I love your content
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