Salty TTV RAGES Over A Meme Build – Dead By Daylight

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Just some good ole DBD salt! Let me know how you feel about this format for these kinds of vids! I think it’s fun and more engaging 🙂 FYI I deleted the VOD that contained this match because I don’t want people seeking out this streamer to harass them. It’s all in good fun, and I know there are plenty of nasty internet trolls who take it to the next level. That’s what I want to avoid.

Check out more salt vids!


45 thoughts on “Salty TTV RAGES Over A Meme Build – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I decided to check out a TTV who I’d been killer in a game with, and the stream was up as a VOD. the streamer was cool but his friends were not lol. after the first hook of the game, I went for the person who rescued, and he called me a “tunneling wh*re” 🤣 I’m still not sure how you can tunnel someone who hasn’t been hooked yet… they said a lot of other unnecessarily rude things but that was the one that got me lol

  2. I'm a survivor main wtf next map camping, u can only so far in that map, to me there's only 1 camp and that's face camping, once had a bunny face camp and we still got a friend off the hook and escaped, they need to learn the game LMAO

  3. Im so glad your videos are not being taken down, I always join your stream when it's about to finish so hopefully this weekend I can join on time and give you a build that I know gets salty. Great video btw

  4. That’s why I love spook he is right “If he is camping” then he’s sacrificing gens. It’s just a game it’s funny how survivors can tbag clicky clicky flashlight and toxic swf, but killers can’t run builds that are literally in the game. #Hypocrite

  5. I love how you are just calm about everything that's makes me proud for watching someone that can take negative things and ignore it I acknowledge that behavior and learn from you. you are the best today my mom just got in a car accident it was a hit and run ,but that besides the point. I want to thank you for making me feel better just by me watching your video and hope some day you will get the dream that you desire 🤗

  6. C’mon spooks… you know rule #3…. if killer doesn’t leave the map after hooking someone you are automatically a toxic camper. We all heard the stream snipe so maybe time to fight back man?

  7. Am I toxic for messaging a Freddy and getting mad that he had franklins demise and noed and camped and tunneled them off the hook? I don’t want to be an asshole but he was making the match the most unfun game I’ve ever played and tunneled my 1 other friend through ds and he wasn’t even a toxic person. No one had flashlights and it was a chill game and then noed camping

  8. Why ppl allow themselves to insult others over game? Is game really priority to being normall human being and stop being cry baby over game? If it was 10 years old kid I wouldn't mind but this? Absolutely disgusted! Not to forget the survs blame killer for everything when they're team are the real killers


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