Scourge Hooks Should Be Reworked! Dead by Daylight

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Scourge hooks should be on ever hook or should add more then more scourge perks you equip!

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #ideas #buff #rework

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49 thoughts on “Scourge Hooks Should Be Reworked! Dead by Daylight”

  1. I feel like the basement should become a core mechanic for killers, it should be guaranteed in 90% of cases that you get a survivor in there, and then balance the game around that. It always feels like a joke, a "meme" when a killer goes in trial with a basement build and it's ridiculous that a mechanic that literally shapes maps to the killer's advantage is considered a meme by both sides.
    They got the right idea with turning all basement hooks into scourge hooks, but that should be default, and the killer grab timer should be doubled by default or something. You don't even need that much gen defense if when you get a down you can carry the survivor wherever you want (which only makes perfect sense by the way)

  2. So by their logic adrenaline is an unfair perk because it gives them a free health state and a free speed boost?

    They’d probably respond “it’s not free we have to do the gens”

    What the fuck ever killers have to work for hooks same as survivors have to work for adrenaline

  3. I believe “every hook should be scourge hook” misses the intent of scourge hooks as not every hook you get was meant to trigger the effect. However I believe this can be better addressed by changing scourge perks to applying it the first six (this number could change to anything) times you hook a survivor to remove rng which can be bullshit

  4. all hooks being scourge hooks would be fine, and frankly nice for killer side. not being able to use your perks suck. plus pain res can be quite easily countered by just letting go so the killer doesnt know for sure your still there, and immediately hop back on

  5. They should rework the entire game at this point, add a second objective for survivors.

    Quick second objective: after 5 generators are powered the remaining survivors need to find the 3 missing part to craft a level needed to open the exit gate

    Quick second objective: After 5 gens are powered the remaining survivors need to find 4 different powered platforms and hold down on thr platform at the same time. So all remaining survivors need to stay on the same platform and activate it. Thats 1 out of 4 done, this forces the survivors to work as team and only them can see where the platforms are(activating them takes 30seconds / 1 minute)

  6. Nah, having only 4 hooks gives scourge hook counterplay for the survivors. It makes it more fun. Theoretically you should be getting a stronger perk because you have to deal with RNG and the tast of potentially taking a survivor further for the effect. If you think scourge hooks perks are crap, then the effects should be buffed, not every hook converted to scourge. It would make the perks far more boring.

  7. With the changes being made to scourge hooks you are right they should make all hooks scourge. Since scourge will no longer give noise notifications or the killer any clue as to what gen is being worked on then making all hooks scourge wont make a massive difference. As killer after the changes you have to go out of your way to find the gens being worked on. The changes to gen speed wont be enough therefor every hook being scourge would almost be a necessity.

  8. I don't agree with the idea of having all hooks be scourge hooks because of the perks they can be paired with. For example, pain resonance doesn't just get rid of 15 or so seconds of a gen when paired with something like dead man's switch. That would be whatever amount of seconds it takes away plus 45 more from dead man's every time a survivor gets hooked. That would get too out of hand imo. I do agree though that killers should be rewarded more when hooking a survivor. Also I like the idea you presented later where if you bring more than one scourge hook perk, it gives you more scourge hooks on the map

    Edit: I forgot about the change to pain resonance. Although, you can still push a survivor off with dead man's. Just not as effectively

  9. I dont disagree with you per se but it makes a face camping killer that gets hook trades hell on solo q. which gives me a simple fix of: after unhooking a survivor all hooks X – meters away from the hook are normal hooks for 60 seconds. If you made that conditional I would be completely fine with every hook being a scourge hook. completely agree with the 4+4 with 2 perks. shouldnt even be an argument and should already be in game

  10. I'm not taking a side on the scourge suggestion, but I'd like to point out that gen regression perks can be stacked. If a killer ran both scourge with all hooks and pop, then that's quite a lot of regression. That's where the concern would be IMO, not by the perk itself having all hooks as scourge.

  11. That literally defeats the whole purpose of it being a "scourge hook".
    If EVERY hook is a scourge hook, then none are, ya know?
    For instance, Pain Resonance, you hook someone on a hook and gain a 15% regression to a gen, it's ONLY for those hooks that give you the bonus. If EVERY hook was the same, why categorize it as a "scourge hook"? Plus it would take the fun RNG out of the game. Sometimes you can get to the hook, other times you can't. But if you ALWAYS got to the hook because EVERY hook is the same, it'd just be boring. Make it just like BBQ or Make Your Choice.If they made every hook a "scourge hook", EVERY hook makes gens regress, or see survivor auras after unhooks, or apply mangled and gen slowdown, or all of these. It would straight up just BE the meta even more than it is now.
    I think them being a bit RNG is better. It's not annoying or survivor sided or anything awful.

  12. I'd be fine with that but I don't like how this would buff Nurse or even stack with Thana on someone like Plague. Nurse is the single biggest reason why every other killer has to suffer.

  13. The idea of scourge hooks is that they get an increase in typical perk power level with the downside of not always being a convenient option. An example being that if all hooks become scourge hooks in a later patch, Floods of Rage becomes objectively better than BBQ and Chili. You can argue that scourge hooks should be buffed based on how low the numbers currently are, but making all hooks scourge hooks changes the nature of the perk itself. Additionally, Pain Res is worse regression than Pop because with Pop you not only need to stop a chase to kick a gen, but you need find the best gen to kick and these take time away from the main objective which is kills (hooks). As big a meme as "free regression" sounds, if all hooks are scourge hooks it WOULD be free, because you wouldn't need to do a side objective (like finding a scourge hook or kicking a gen) to get the value.

    That being said, if BHVR wanted to move the game towards hooks, making hooks kick gens or regress them at base kit would go a long way towards pushing the game towards hooks instead of kills.

  14. It's because you're doing multiple things at once when using scourge hooks. Hooking and regression/mangled/whatever, which saves alot of time. But I do think that they shouldn't break after they sacrifice.

  15. Yes i totally agree that after nerf of scourge hook perk as compensation all hooks must be scourge but developers never listen to community, as example discussion started by me at official forum and it was fast deleted even when i still edit it, they not want listen to people, pretty good job…

  16. Chasing, downing and hooking a survivor is evidently “free” regression but a survivor holding a button for a few seconds blessing a totem for a boon is deserved and earned

  17. best example is when a player have decent chases, all hooks made were pain res and the gens still fly
    Tru3's ,,1000000% reggresion" video is ultimate slander for gens

  18. If all hooks are scourge, you may as well just remove the mechanic and have the abilities activate on normal hooks. Not saying that's a bad idea. Just pointing out you'd be removing the mechanic. Personally I think they should keep it and buff the rewards for hooking on scourge.

  19. Tru3T3rr0r, you are being a little odd on your opinion on every hook to be scourge. Basically the only good scourge is resonance which is the 15% regression so let's use that reference. Comparing this perk to Pop, you are basically arguing about the 10%. However, in order to activate pop, you need to first hook the survivor then walk to the gen that needs to be popped then kick. Compared to resonance, you have to walk to the scourge hook and hook to get the 15% regression. If every hook was scourge, then there wouldn't be a downside for the perk and you can just keep spamming resonance for every hook. Ik some of you reading this would be a tru3 dickrider but you have to be a lil delusional to agree with this scourge hook "rework". The only thing i would say is that if you kill someone on a scourge hook, another hook should replace it to be a scourge and basement hooks should count as scourge but tru3 is odd.

  20. IMO they dont really need to change scourge hooks, they just need so give killers to work with so they dont need multiple regression perks.

    What I think could be good, would be a base kit ruinish thing, where gens regress in some form or another if they leave. That would encourage you to scare survivors off of gens.

    To make tunneling less attractive, they just need something to make it worth going for two hits instead of one and maybe some reward for hooking the unhooker.

    Something like giving the person unhooking a sort of slow effect for like 2 seconds, where every speed boost the survivors get in that time, will be much less. They can say something like the unhooking takes a toll on the unhooker or like the entity cries for immediate replacement on the hook and sort of curses the unhooker for taking its prey and gives you more bp for hooking this person. Sort of a priority target, maybe even with obsession, that way obsession perks get a different meaning.

  21. I dont really get what the devs want this game to be.

    They dont really want to touch survivors (maybe they only play by themself and think they are ok) and every nerf also introduces a buff.

    They also dont really want Killers to camp, but give killers perks to do so and also give survivors perks that might make you want to do so.

    They also dont want you to tunnel, but nerf perks that would ensure you have the time to do so and also dont encourage you to not do that.

    They want you to hook survivors as much as possible, but slugging and tunneling is still way more efficient.

    They just want a lot of things, but just semingly give random changes and nerfs to whatever is somewhat good and if they touch something in the base game, the changes are often not really worth mentioning.
    It feels like in the beginning they didnt really think it through on how they want to balance a 4v1 game and now that everyone is used to what it is, they are afraid to take some action to balance this game. (prob. also because they built every perk/killer/map/etc. on this somewhat crumbling foundation)

  22. 2:45
    When you play 2 minutes like this, and BARELY get the first hook…

    That's 3 gens done 100% of the time at high level.

    That's 1 hook and 3 gens. You need someone to be scared of a terror radius, AND they need to hide, for you to get regression that matters, with the right build. With the right killer/perks/add ons.

    The killer shouldn't need Agitation, or more carry perks, or Monstrous Shrine, to get the scourge hooks.

    I agree. It should be every hook.

    Solo Rip.

  23. Scourge Hooks are above average perks, but have the downside of needing you to reach one of the four random hooks in the trial.

    It's the same thing with Hex Perks. They are above average, but have the downside of being removed completely from the game.

    You aren't obligated to use them if you don't like their risk versus reward aspect. Simply use other perks that fit your playstyle. As for if they are balanced, whether the reward is too little for the risk and etc., I'm not that person, but surely with enough feedback, we can find a sweetspot for them. I'm just telling you why they are designed the way they are.

    Also want to add that PGTW and Pain, they play differently. PGTW requires you to leave the hook, physically kick a generator, while Pain is automatic, picking the most progressed generator, essentially letting the killer pressure two areas simultaneously. Both perks are getting nerfed, but you get the idea.

    I do believe perhaps scourge hooks should be spaced out evenly across the trial, and maybe have the not break when sacrificing a survivor. Some safe changes, but they aren't exactly bad.

  24. I think the main issue with scourge hooks isn't their power but their accessibility. In this video you said there are a max of 11 uses per game but realistically on average you'll get 6-8 because of how sporadic they are. While making every hook a scourge hook is a solution the problem with that is that there would be no counterplay for survivors (other than not going down or maybe a sabo/bodyblock build). That's not necessarily a bad thing for perks but keep in mind that scourge hooks are supposed to be the killer equivalent of boon totems, and with the exception of circle of healing I'd argue that their power is comparable. So, by removing the survivors counterplay and a bit of strategy around needing to defend a point of the map with the hooks you would need to compensate by decreasing the power of the perks. Also, both boon totems and scourge hooks have a time sink built into them, for boon totems it's a 14 second setup and for scourge hooks it's 0-16 seconds depending on how close you are to the hook. If every hook was a scourge hook it would essentially negate the time sink by making it so you can go to the closest hook instead of the specific scourge hook. Again, with the exception of circle of healing, the killer is most likely going to get more use out of scourge hooks than the survivors will with their boon totems so the killer potentially having a longer time sink to activate their perk balances out. I think a better solution would be to centralize the hooks spawning mechanic by making them spawn on the hooks closest to the center of the map. That way it would keep the counterplay for the survivors, the innate time sink and make them more accessible so you're more likely to get the max amount of uses. (BTW in case you ask the regular counterplay to scourge hooks is paying attention to which hooks are scourge hooks and then going down as far from them as possible so the killer either doesn't get the hook or wastes time walking to them. Also, my change would make the counterplay simpler with less guesswork involved, putting it more in line with boon totems where the counterplay is clear and obvious by making it so you just need to go down at the edge of the map.)

  25. If not all hooks at least one more around, or less random distribution, bc sometimes all the scourge hooks are way…way at the other side of the map all grouped up. They probably thought not making all of them for ballance issues against low level survivors, not the usual sweaty match where scourge hooks actually make almost no difference because they are making gens on the speed of light every single chase you have. Against sweaty survivors even all being scourge hooks changes nothing, but we have to consider other kinds of survivors as well and I say this being a killer main.
    What probably now would be the worst problem with all being scourge is the combo of Dead Man and scourge, however, in the next patch that won't happen so it could be the case for a rework as well. I think the small time they added to the generators will have to be felt in the live servers to see what's what first. Nowadays I don't think scourge hooks would be really problematic if they were all hooks IF Dead Man wasn't a combo with scourge. Otherwise I think it would be interesting to test it.

  26. ATM the only problem with all being scourge, considering the math is probably only the combo with Dead Man, otherwise the scourge regression is minimal, it's more of a thing to keep them from maybe completing the generator while you hook and go over there, which I have to say doesn't happen most of the time with how huge some maps are. For indoor and smaller maps it's way more useful though.

  27. The issue with the scourge hooks and with the hexes, is how random they can be. if you get a game where the spawns are favorable, the chances of winning are much higher. making every hook a scourge hook would eliminate this factor, but there are other ways it can be done.
    you could make it so that the first 4 hooks you use become scourge hooks giving the player more control over the placement. or maybe you could get the option to pre-emptively "light" hooks. it may be slower, but it would still retain the effect.
    All you do when you add more scourge hooks, is reduce the chance of bad spawns making your perk hard to use.
    The original undying was so strong because it did exactly that. It gave hexes a second, third, and fourth chance which eliminated the punishment of bad spawns.
    If the player was able to choose where the hex would spawn, they would be much more consistent and you would be more likely to get value out of them. I think that you should be able to light hexes on which ever dull totems you want. it would give the player a good choice and it would mediate the spawn issues.

    At the end of the day, I think that giving players more control and more options. I think it would be healthier balancing wise, and it would make for a more enjoyable gameplay experience.

  28. It is because they don't want to balance survivors around SWF and push teamwork, they also want scourge to be a reward for kiting survivors to the hooks you want, ignoring that not all killers have this magical kiting ability to control the survivor to go where you want at all times, and not every tile is balanced.

  29. Devs forget that good survivor Teams can deny the killer hooks. Or downs that leads to longer chases and thus less value of hook based perks.
    I unterstand why they nerfed the perk because it was busted vs solo Queue on a max blink, recharge Add-on nurse. But still other killers struggle with hooks.
    When we talk about balancing you have to target both sides and figure out what is too strong and how it can be exploited.
    Pushing all the other killer leads to the killers that already work to be even stronger.
    Thats not how balancing works

  30. Instead of saying "all hooks are scourge hooks", let's say "the perk works on all hooks". So every time you hook a survivor you get 15% off the highest gen. Now compare that to Pop (old pop to make things easier) since it was mentioned on the video. Let's also cap it at 10 hooks, because honestly, the 11th hook will do nothing as far as gen goes because the last survivor will go for the hatch.
    So old Pop is able to shave off up to 250% of gen progress, or 200 seconds. Pain resonance can shave off 150% of gen progress, or 120 seconds
    Both require you to chase down a survivor, so arguing it takes time to do it is pointless. The main issue is hooking.
    Pop requires you to go to the gen and kick it. This requires you to know a gen with more than 25% progress and it being close, otherwise it will take too long. It also means you might not find a survivor during that time, which leaves the rest of the survivors free to advance on other gens or heal. It might also take you away from the hooked survivor, unless there is a hook nearby (which should be seen as a convenience and not a rule). Pop also has a timer on which if you start another chase before using it, you lose it.
    PR requires you to go to one of 4 specific hooks, which might take longer to do. After hooking on the proper hook, you are free to go. It targets the most advanced gen without you targeting it, it doesn't require you to expend time going towards it and allows you to wither force another gen or camp the survivor. The downside is requiring specific hooks and less regression.
    Now if PR activated on every hook, it would be free regression. It would be the equivalent of a survivor perk just flat out giving gen speed without any requirements.

  31. I play solo queue CASUALLY. Every hook being a scourge hook, with the absolute tater tots that I get as teammates? I'd quit. Sure it makes sense for people who play as their literal job, but I feel as though you've lost perspective of someone with less than 10k hours.


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