Scouting For Survivors w/ Ultra Rare Singularity Addon | Dead by Daylight

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Testing out some more ultra rare addons, this time on the newest killer, The Singularity. This addon that is being tested is called …


34 thoughts on “Scouting For Survivors w/ Ultra Rare Singularity Addon | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think keeping with the sigularity, the other ultra-rare and the green that caused Slipstreamed survivors to hear terror radius everywhere is really good early game, since they start with the slipstream, it throws everyone off.

  2. I think the reason the slipstream addon is purple while the iridescent is only when you place bipods is because you can only slipstream someone once until they emp themselves while you can place infinite biopods while in chase. Also you don't even get that time loss from having to control the biopod to mark them you can place a biopod mid chase and lose little to no time.

  3. I think the purpose is just for minimal aura reading in chase. I don’t think much about it but find that it can help with an assurance of a survivor turning a corner, etc.

  4. The original add-on in the PTB was showing killer instinct instead of auras. So they actually buffed it . Maybe 8 meters would make it more consistently useful without being ridiculous

    I posted this before the very end so the 8 meters part is redundant

  5. I feel like the range would have been higher in development and they just tweaked it down. I much rather have unique add-ons than just aura so I'd hope they change it rather than buff it

  6. Before watching, I'm assuming it's good for mind gaming loops on slipstreamed survivors. When you set a pod, they assume you're gonna try to tp to them so they break line of sight of the pod, but instead you can cut them off.

  7. There is a quick swap button after you swap between pods but that takes more time. The big point of staying in the pods is the fact that you are undetectable while doing it and some times people can walk right on to pot you by mistake. I place pods above me for when I look around and always check myself to see if someone has done just that. Best by gens you know they want to touch.

  8. I think the add on needs a buff. Maybe make it so it’s all the time that it reveals auras within a 6 meter radius but then have it reduce the max amount of biopods to make it a bit more balanced

  9. I would personally love to see an add-on showcase of Singularity's "Ultrasonic Sensor". The info it gives I find is more unique and more fun than the ultra rare displayed in this video. Would love to see your thoughts on it.

  10. i didnt really see anyone say this (so sorry if there's a billion other ppl):
    originally the iri crystal was killer instinct on survivors when you created the pod, so this is actually the buffed version

  11. A reminder that compound 21 exists. Reveal auras within 8 meters (not 6) everytime you bounce (almost like you do that constantly and continually)

  12. your theory of nerfing mid development makes sense considering its old effect was that it gave killer instinct for 6 seconds on anyone within 6 meters of a placed biopod, it probably used to give killer intinct when within 6 meters of any biopod but they deemed that too strong


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