Scratched Mirror Myers is Terrible – Dead by Daylight

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play safe and he literally cant do anything


31 thoughts on “Scratched Mirror Myers is Terrible – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I had a surv I beat brag about looping me for 30 seconds then went to yell at their teammates about how bad they played, that 30 second chase was the only time they didn’t immediately go down, and I was using scratch mirror on ormond, ON FUCKING ORMOND

  2. Why dont ppl just use Vanity Mirror if they want to play like this, with M&A and rabbit you get a 6m TR so you're basically undetectable anyway but you actually get to be 115% and have a lunge

  3. Saying scratch mirror is terrible is right but its not the point of the build. its to spook people and have fun. you play super sweaty even in a fun game mode wich is the sadest part.

  4. This Myers did not know what he was doing.
    You can't chase as mirror mike you have to go for ambushes, which requires some creative pathing to appear where survivors don't expect you.

  5. The last I played a scratched mirror it was in chaos shuffle, and it was probably one of the only times I felt like I legit earned an iri evader emblem. He chased me a few times at the start on Lerys, then the guy tunneled the first person he downed relentlessly until they were dead. He did get one more hook and then downed my last teammate who had tried to unhook while he was camping (I got the unhook during that), but then between my random breakout, and us body blocking the hook he lost them on wiggle out. He then chased me for the entire rest of the gens as the other two worked them in pairs, at least 75% of it was in the lobby area running around the desk/chairs and him falling for the pallet fake every time.

    He then had the nerve to complain about how we played and how we should get cancer lol.

    I've played a lot of scratched mirror, as long as you don't expect to "win" and just want to have fun it's fine.

  6. yea as much as i love scratched mirror, it's becomes painful when you go against any group that knows how to play. They really need to buff tier 1 to be 110% imo or make the mirror do it. in no version of this game should a killer be moving 105%. As shown in this video that's the speed where tight looping can out distance the killer. I would like the option to chase someone. I also don't use map offerring so on bad maps you kinda have to chase anyway.

  7. I legit only want to play SM Myers. For me, Tombstone is kinda boring once people know its in play, and getting scares on other players is far more satisfying. Hell, I dont even play to win, I usually play to 8 hooks and then coast til the end. The sad part is I've played against streamers, and then they act surprised when I dont troll them at the end.


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