She Used God Pallet LIKE THAT?! | Pig, Dead By Daylight

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25 thoughts on “She Used God Pallet LIKE THAT?! | Pig, Dead By Daylight”

  1. people talk about you complaining when this game is dog shit for killers. Survivors get to play so relaxed while us killers have to sweat our asses off. Anyone who thinks you’re whining never plays killer consistently.

  2. Survivor perks, number advantage and tile RNG generation enables survivors to be toxic and still win majority of the game.
    I just had a game with a jungle gym lead directly into a shack window. Apparently, the survivor I am chasing can taunt me and do gen while in chase because RNG is part of his skill. Once the pallet is broken, his chase is about 20 seconds on average .
    Apparently the extended chase at the shit tile combo as a huntress makes him think I am a newbie, and he unhook someone while I am reading BBQ aura. He single handedly throw away the advantage and lead to a sure 4k

  3. Hi cmwinter so basically I am trying to be a pig main but her traps are confusing me . Does it needs to be activated by a generator being completed or there's a another way to activate the trap?

  4. I hope that Felix gets to a better place in life.

    OK "un-break-a-boon" was funny.

    8:09 There's no need to look when you can just Hold W.

    The funny thing about the Felix running into you before was that he had been looking behind him at the time and not in front of him.

    I hope that Kate gets to a better place in life.

    Thanks for the video CM.

  5. Bro I enjoy your content but u need to stop always complaining man. Its understandable why that guy on twitch was sayin how u complain to much because its not appealing to watch mate. Take this how u want, but I just hope u don't take this in a offensive way


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