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23 thoughts on “SHE WAS CHEATING ALL ALONG! Dead by Daylight”

  1. The comunity is so trash, that no one is talking about the hack…They just accept, that's why I stopped play this game, every game has cheaters, but in some of them the community just says nothing about it…

  2. And this is why I have no sympathy for Survivors, and will never feel bad about tunnelling.
    They see a hacker, flashlight save her and don't even give the Killer a sympathy kill.
    This on top of the preexisting balance issues like Dead Hard.
    Killers get nothing from Survivors, so must take everything.

  3. i have a feeling the mikala was with them and possibly cheating to the DH after the shack pallet blind seems a little longer they it looked like she went underground to lose you. she also was using a event Flashlight without any add-ons and no save item offering. very sus… plus saveing at the end is somthing a knower does.

  4. Wish the devs whould fix the report option on console as it doesnt work. Not even thumbs up or down. There would be so much more input. Fk all cheaters. Great vid tru3

  5. I knew that Jane was fishy from the get go, i even bet it in my mind before finishing the video "it'll be her for sure". At 7:30 thats a freaking GUARANTEED DOWN right there regardless if she had dead hard or not. She is running at something close to 103% speed to be able to get away from that mind game. This is why i don't play this game anymore. As if the stress of playing killer and dealing with 20 safe pallets per map wasn't enough, we have to worry about subtle stuff like that which only very experienced players will notice. I bet not even the developers notice that crap, they don't know any better and they call their costumers "paranoid".

  6. I said this yesterday!

    These last 2-3 days I've played against more cheaters than I have ever played against in the last 2 years!

    Doesn't matter which role, killer or survivor it's the same.

    Like how!?? Why all of a sudden I go against lots of cheaters??? My MMR is not even that high atm!! How???

    Where did that wave of cheaters came from!??


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