Should BHVR Fix Legion's Exploit? – Dead by Daylight

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Legion’s PTB Buff has an exploit that allows you to Insta-Down Survivors by hitting a survivor on a hook to get 5 Feral Frenzy Hits

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44 thoughts on “Should BHVR Fix Legion's Exploit? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. You've always been able to hit survivors on hook whilst in Feral Frenzy, just now Feral Frenzy has a new mechanic that lets you insta-down on the 5th hit. Should this bug stay in the game or is it too strong?

  2. I think they should still let you get one stack, since you are starting the Frenzy from the hook or doing a drive-by on the hook with no timer reset upon hit. The repeating stack gain should definitely get removed because of the Pills add-on, Mural Sketch and Mischief list to a degree, all negating the downside of doing the exploit. But I think it's fine if you can get only 1 stack via the hook hitting.

  3. In my personal opinion this could go 3 ways in my eyes and I will explain all of them.

    1. This could go live. The reason why I believe it could go live is because logically speaking if you spent time hitting someone on a hook you cannot benefit from it unless the survivors are sticking by the hook.

    Keep in mind that when you hit someone on the hook your feral frenzy meter continues to deplete so as long as the survivors do not run in the area of a hook or keep their distance from the legion when they hit another survivor on the hook they cannot benefit from it.

    It also punishes survivors for making careless plays which is completely fine by me, if a survivor farmed another off the hook you can take that time to punish the careless play by hitting the survivor on the hook 2 or 3 times in frenzy while also hitting the other that is unhooking.

    To prevent the FF hook hitting strat the survivors just keep away from hooks and they are fine. People may also say that this increases legion’s camping game but I disagree.

    The reason being that if a killer were to camp a survivor you would naturally rush gens, right? Farming a survivor in front of a killer usually leads to a trade most of the time.

    So if the survivor coming for the save see’s the legion in the area hit the hook with frenzy at least 1 time on cue that is when they should leave and they won’t be able to benefit for an insta down and instead has to end their frenzy or just go for an injure.

    Now if a legion were using the pill add on, then to balance the possible change all they would have to do is make it so you cannot gain stacks from hitting a survivor on the hook with using the pills add on.


  4. considering you won't be able to get the 5th hit insta-down if a survivor is hooked and this bug is fixed, i think it'd be fair if hitting the hooked survivor once counts towards the hits, but hitting them a second time ends the frenzy and puts the legion in fatigue. that way it'll discourage insta-saves since then the legion can hit the same survivor twice (once on the hook, and a second time once they're off the hook), and a 3rd hit on the savior, that'll make getting the 4th and 5th hit (and therefore insta-down) much easier, but still prevent the legion from hitting the hooked survivor 3-4 times and getting an easy hook afterward.

    also, i think legion's shorter deep wound timer add-on should be changed in order to make sure that a survivor mending OR running (one of the 2 but i'd prefer mending) doesn't pause the deep wound timer.

  5. I noticed when you get the first hit he goes his normal frenzy speed with no hits he doesn't have his default boost I mean in that case when he's in feral frenzy he starts off 5% faster than when he gets all four hits he's 25% faster not 20 so he's really ready for that final hit because getting the 4 chain is kind of difficult he can't catch up in time

  6. New ptb legion is skillfull gameplay
    It almost looks like hokey, bcs hits with feral are like shot on goal, so shots on goal lead into downs, perfect hokey gameplay

  7. I see a LOT of people saying it should be removed but not realizing: This eats legions power. Without Never-Sleep Pills this leaves Legion with about 1/3rd of their power bar or about 5s (AT MOST) of run distance if they do 3-4 hits. Legion also loses all tracking in Feral Frenzy. Just like… If you see Legion do this, play smart, hide, and waste their power window and they'll need to let it recharge. A lot of people unwilling to adapt and think they should just be able to hook rush with 0 repercussions lol.

  8. is beyond broken. of course needs fixing. but even with this some people will still say "the game is surv sided" lol, they didnt get tired of nerfing survivors lately and they´ll will nerf them plenty more with dead hard very soon. meanwhile easy m2 hit coughcoughnurseblighthuntressspiritetccouchgcough are still untouched.

  9. I don't think it's a bug/exploit. Can this be used to increase chances of getting an instant down in feral? Yes it can, IF you find a survivor to hit afterwards. Mind you that while in feral frenzy you see no scratch marks and since you only hit the hooked survivor, you won't have the killer instinct for the others.

  10. So there's really a debate wether it's actually legit that legion can one shot anyone as long as someone is hooked ?

    Yeah, there's definitely a problem within this community.
    And we have already enough toxic facecampers in this game.

  11. Personally I like this, it gives legion more pressure. And punishes altruistic survs. Plus it's not like your timer gets refreshed on each hit. But I won't complain if they change it cos it is a bit cheesy and I doubt it's intended. Unless they compare it to hockey again.

  12. I just noticed something. You can only get his frenzy down consistently while there's 4 people. Because hit 1, hit 2, hit 3, and hit 4, you can down any of them then. But once 1 person dies, you would have to hope someone of the 3 survivors left mends fully WHILE your power is active to get the 4th hit. Only then can you try to get the 5th insta down hit.

  13. I saw one more bug. If you get blinded mid launch in frenzy and land the hit after getting blinded, your frenzy counts as normal hit. Then your normal hits start counting as frenzy hits. It's pretty strange but interesting.


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