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In Friday Jason could set traps like trapper,phase like spirit,be a more OP version of scratch mirror myers and TP across the map instantly like unknown
I dont know about the pallet idea for Jason since I think singularity is good against pallets
Maybe a sort of charging-endurance like power? Stupid name, doesn't help with what I'm picturing, but maybe — like with how Myers can charge his stock — Jason can slow himself down to sort of build himself up to being this brute of a chase killer.
So, he charges his meter, and once he activates his power — or just fills it — he becomes faster on vaults, breaks through dropped pallets incredibly fast, and has a spirit-fury enduring effect. As I type this I realize that that's just Singularity in overcharge mode, but I feel something like that would be pretty in-line with him. Also, could have his mom act like Naughty Bear's narrator and sort of goad you on through the trial as a disembodied voice!
Ugh, but beyond just making him Singularity without the teleport… I dunno. He's a cool killer, but at the end of the day he really is just a really big dude with a knife…
short awnser yes long awnser still yes but theres been a ton of legal issues with the rights to the chracter so it probably wont happen any time soon
0:21 – Kaiser says they have a special connection to the Friday the 13th movies… then proceeds to talk about how Freddy did a thing in the movie 😂😂😂 Sorry I’m sure it’s been pointed out by now but I couldn’t help but laugh lol
Idk, I think he’s the last true horror license that they don’t have. So even if he came to the game just for the novelty, it would be worth it. But just because we can’t think of what jasonsnpower would be doesn’t mean Bhvr can’t figure something out. If they can get the license, I’d have faith in them to do Jason justice
I'd love Jason's power to be smaller "lakes" all over like sadako tvs but they allow survivors to dig around for weapons. everytime Jason comes out from the Lake he has a reduced stun duration until survivors can hit him with weapons. sorta a combo of Larry Xeno Sadako and Myers (power up tier 3 vault). he would have decent map pressure and chase ability with counterplay
Just saying
Huntress doesn't throw knives she throws wood with knives attached to them
Idk… At the beginning I very much wanted Jason in DbD. The trapper was just so lacking and a clearly uninspired derivative. But nowadays? The tough bit is I, like others, agree that they'd need to go FAR out of their way to make his kit stand out from the rest of the cast and still be true to his character. This is no easy task as things have become.
The TLDR is I'd much rather go without Vorhees than to see him crippled in either relevance or potential. Sad but true.
I think the best way to go about making Jason would probably be to have them be a hybrid killer the killers that come to mind for me are Trapper and Myers for me personally when I think of Jason I would imagine his power to be a stealth killer with tactical intricacies that require you to for lack of better words stock or do something to survivors to earn good anti loop
He could come to the game as a trapper legendary outfit with a trapper rework but then we wouldn't get other jason styles. So here's my trapper power.
.Base movement speed is 4.6 m/s
.Base terror radius is 36 meters
.Tall height
Main ability- Rage mode:
Each time you chase a survivor for 30 seconds, Rage mode increases in stage up to 3 stages. Stage 1 reduces the time to all breaking actions and vaulting speeds by 15%. Stage 2 reduces the killer terror radius to 16 meters, reduces stun penalties by 15% and increases movement speed to 4.8 m/s. Stage 3 increases all actions by another 10%, decreases stun durations by another 5%, recover basic attack hits by 9%, increase movement speed by another 0.1 m/s and causes the survivors to suffer from the frightened status effect for the remainder of the trial. Note when the killer hits Stage 3, blood lust will be removed from the match permantly. Each stage will have Jason's mum complimenting him.
Main power- Mama's ghost:
After hooking a survivor, Mama's ghost will appear (ai mechanic). The ghost will move around the map at 5.8 m/s. Survivors who are within 16 meters of the ghost will be inflicted with the madness status effect which causes the survivors to see hallucinations of Jason for 60 seconds. If the survivor is in LOS within 20 meters of Mama's ghost, she will attack the survivor, causing them to become injured whilst also revealing their aura to the killer for 6 seconds and inflicting them with the mangled and hemorrhage status effect for 60 seconds. This will cause the Mama's AI to disappear. Note if the survivor is already injured, they will be inflicted with the broken (30 seconds) and deap wound status effect. Being hit by Mama's ghost decreases the time to hit the next Rage stage by 15%.
Second power- Morphism:
When the killer isn't in LOS of a survivor, the killer can enter the morphing state, allowing him to teleport anywhere on the map within a 54 meter radius. Doing so causes nearby (16 meter radius) survivors to scream and reveal their aura for 6 seconds. This then goes onto a 40 seconds cool down.
This is a rough concept of what I'd want Jason to be like. Yes the numbers within this would probally need tweaking but the designs of the power would fit the best especially due to the fact that concepts of these mechanics where in the friday the 13th game.
I think the obvious answer is yes. This doesn't really require much thought or discussion in my opinion. It seems to me like an obvious decision but perhaps others just haven't considered what I have had in my head for the last several thousand hours I've played this game.
First, I really don't get the "guy with knife" statment. Every "guy with knife" plays and feels drastically different than anyone else. It seems you're referring to chase killers but then you mention killers like Huntress and Deathslinger whom neither are anything even remotely resembling the description. Not just that but "chase killers" as you described them (although not all the killers you mentioned at that point are actually chase killers but regardless…) are the most fun killers to play as and against according to a majority of the community. It's why Hillbilly is so loved for example. Theres so much about this portion of your video that I keep hearing you bring up in other ones that I have no idea what you're talking about. The only thing I've heard that I do understand is how you mentioned that you like them leaning more into body horror which I agree with but don't think that that means we can't have or shouldn't also have more humanoid characters if thats all you're getting at rather than powers.
As for Jason I think he's a rather easy killer to make a power for. Unlike many other killers you're free to let go and be creative. Basically, any power that helps him kill is a step in the right direction. Clown for example has those bottles of chemicals but that's not a power directly related to the theme of Clowns. It was something created and attached to him that still made sense. Jason can easily have his own traps different from qny other killer or he can be a different kind of a stalking killer maybe it gives him haste and action speed bonuses or something like that. He could have some sort of chase or mobility power like perhaps trenches that run all over the map like Xenomorph has. Maybe he gets his power directly by chasing survivors it charges up and when full he can unleash it on his victims. That power can be all survivors exposed, haste, mass aura reading, stealth, whatever. And, i actually love the idea of his mother giving him a Whispers type effect! As for perks, I think that's the easy job. They can be anything. Give them a effect and give them a name and icon that matches Jason. Plenty of perks have an ability that doesn't match the killer.
Bro I have just a small complaint with this video. At the start you're setting up the points for the main discussion and then there's just a promotion for your side channel shoved in. Not that it's a problem it just took me out of the viewer immersion a wee bit.
ive said this before, but it would be super cool if they added jason and gave him some kind of mori gimmick similar to meyers, but give him like 10 different moris as a tribute to the films. they could also give him a teleport similar to the friday the 13th game for map pressure
If jason gets added i hope he breaks most, if not all, dbd rules. It be funny and weirdly fitting for Jason since he ignores a lot of rules for horror (teleporting, running, throwing weapons, ect.)
I’m not a fan of the franchise but the simplicity of Jason has always been why I have never been a huge advocate for him getting into Dead by Daylight. Right now I get way more excited for original killers than licensed ones so that may also contribute to this sentiment. The most interesting concept I had seen for him (as interesting as it can be for Jason) was a concept I saw made by WheatDraws but that’s about it.
yes cause his original game died on release, no need to still treat it like he’s competition, just surrend and join the fog
I mean, having a built in spirit fury and reduced stun once you go into some mode or collect something could work. You have the 2 chainsaw killers who can bust pallets with their ability, but he could essentially walk through pallets once some condition is met. It would be interesting if he also got a small pool of different random mory to show off how diverse his killing methods are.
answer: no.
Jason is the only license that matters. And why can't they just delete and start Freddy over.
When you define knife as sharp object then of course everyone has one. I'd argue a hatchet, harpoon, and metal claws are not the same thing
Edit: went on the wiki and 8 killers use knives. Half credit to Deathslinger as while he does have a bayonet he mostly uses the harpoon and the butt of the gun, only stabbing when carrying a survivor
Yeah baby. In the 80s we went to the theaters to see how Jason was going to kill the next annoying teenager.
I have to think the devs have already played Jason over a thousand times and he is ready to go as soon as they get the license
I remember someone saying He should play how he does in the Friday the 13th game lol ridiculous
Jason Power Idea: It's a mix of Pinhead, Singularity and Myers. His mom's head spawns somewhere on the map, and when Jason is close to it he gains buffs like stun immunity. Secondary ability maybe involves the head messing with survivors within its radius? Survivors can destroy/move the head, and when they do Jason gets Killer Instinct and speed buffs.
I think it wouldn't hurt to have another simple/easy to play chase killer, as strange as it sounds I would like to see him go an endurance "you can not get away" style power, ideally I would like to see a stronger toggled version of singularities over drive but on a big brute. Either having it as a stance that you can turn on and off or just time based like chucky/legion. When switching between stances everyone gets notified (like oni but instead of audio the map gets misty) and leaving stance would cause minor fatigue. I think also having base speed at 110 for balance. When in stance gain a haste buff, much faster vaulting, much faster pallet breaking, pallets thrown onto you instantly break causing only a minor stun. The "downside" to being in power would be you no longer can lunge, instead when entering power you put away your weapon and go for a choke hold (animation would be right arm goes down, left comes up), you would have to be right next to a survivor to damage them (it would work a bit like tombstone myers with range and act a bit like a wesker bound in the sense of animation) choking a survivor would deal 1 health state (letting go of a healthy>injured survivor and holding into injured>dying state again like a wesker bound). Jason's choke would ignore endurance status effects (with the exception of basekit BT). Standard window/pallet/locker grabs are unchanged. When an injured survivor has been hooked twice and gets caught by Jason's choke a unique mori is played.
Simple answer, yes, I don’t see a reason why we shouldn’t want new content, we just have to hope it’s done well, and knowing behavior and wanting to do chapters right I believe they will do Jason very well. Some things I want to see Jason do is: have his pick up be him dragging survivors by their foot holding onto the ankle, when he breaks walls he just walks through them, very simple but I like the ideas. Edit: oh and have him have voicelines of his mom talking, like when he spawns his mom says “kill them all Jason” kinda like the Friday the 13th game
If they released a killer that was immune to pallets (stun) id straight just give up on this game, we need fun powers not stuff that just makes the game horrible for one side. Imagine being tunneled out by a dude who you cant even pallet stun, nurse is already filling the role of unpalletable killer we dont need another. -_-
yes, period, no matter the arguments, jason belongs in dbd
meh we already have trapper.. basically the same thing tbh
I think they should play up Jason’s status as a juggernaut of a killer if he joins DBD. Think Oni but not as fast.
Maybe add a small teleport like one of his forms had in the game. Nothing Nurse tier, but a way to appear from unexpected angles mid-chase.
If they brought Jason to DBD and his mori was stuffing a survivor into a sleeping bag and slamming the bag against a tree, I would splooge right there. 🤣
Just seeing this title, not gonna happen. Jason's and F13 franchise rights are divided between multiple entities and it's why the Friday the 13th Game was cancelled late even after being made.
Until one person buys them all, it's not gonna happen. Wishful thinking though.
I mean friday 13th Is one of the most iconic slashers franchise with one of the most iconic killer in all cinema, he Is a legendary character who deserves a spot in the game and you have problems with him because is a dude with a knife? Behaviour already said they want him in the game the license problem is the only thing holding them back to add him into the game
Also having hillbilly never stop them to add leatherface or spirit and onryo or legión and ghostface, they are going to keep adding dudes with knifes because guess what, this Is a slashers inspired game
You are right about the license being split. The writer owns the first movie but nothing after that. That's why that upcoming Camp Crystal lake show is a prequel that will be before the hocky mask wearing Jason ever appears. The rest of the series belongs to either the studio or the director of the first movie (lol I forget who.) So they can have the later Jason material but not the classic bag headed killer at Crystal Lake. In order to have a normal F13 movie again, you would have to get these two sides (that hate eachother after a bloodbath of a lawsuit) to agree to work together in some capacity.
Jason is in my top 5 wants for this game behind Pennywise.
They could do quite a lot with him, I have ideas for his power/add-ons that I think would help him stand out amongst the cast of Dudes with Knives.
Either way, i hope we do get him soon. He belongs in this game.
I think there is a clear power concept for Jason. He is a heavy RNG killer who's power is all about interacting with the environment. Just like his creativity in the movies, Jason can pick up stray objects and turn them against survivors.
Some examples of objects wxclusive to him are how he can swap his machete for spears or axes that change the properties of his M1, giving more range, deep wond, insta-down, or slowing him to 4.4 m/s.
Additonally, since Jason is the victim of bullying and worships his mother, he can gain tokens fron pallet stuns, conpleted gens, or visitng Pamela's worship site in the basement. Tokens would tap into his vengence which could allow him to do things like grab pallets and breakable wall to chuck at survivors, grab survivors to impale them (insta-down wesker basically), grab survivors by submerging into the sea (undetectable grab), etc.
The game's horror hall of fame will never be complete without Jason. He simply must enter the Fog someday.