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“what perk is *insert unknown icon*?”
I have some custom perk icons! if you dont recognize a certain perk, its either Windows of Opportunity, Spine Chill, Resilience, No Mither, Self Care, Iron Will, Empathy, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, or Decisive Strike! ft. Survivor Talbot Grimes! (The Blight) The icons were created by WheatDraws!

Chibi Blight and Meg:

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24 thoughts on “SHOULD THE DC PENALTY EXIST? | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I think it would be good if they implemented a competitive mode with ranks and DC penalties, and a non-competitive mode where people can just play for fun and winning/losing doesn't matter that much. That way the sweats could sweat together, and the others can have fun, chill games.

    A lot of times you're up against players who are playing super sweaty because they want competitive games, rank up or are doing win streaks (since those games tend to be a lot sweatier than normal games) when all you want to do is have fun, and going against sweats is anything but fun.

    Another issue is that the game cannot differentiate between DCs due to bad internet/server instability and willful DCs with task manager etc. Any form of DC penalty, whether that's a matchmaking ban or Bloodpoint loss, also punishes the ones who didn't DC on their own volition. I've been there a lot of times, I've had really good matches when all of a sudden the server DCed me, so I lost everything, all my progress, items/add-ons, offerings, and had to sit there, wait for my penalty to end. Not to forget the ones who play on console, esp. Switch, where the games just dies a lot.

    I don't know what the game was like before there was no DC penalty (or why they even introduced it), but it seems like it used to work back then, and maybe if we just give it a couple weeks, there'll be less DCs. It's like when a new killer comes out and everyone's playing them, then after a while, it becomes less and less. From my experience, the DC penalty has never stopped anyone from DCing anyway. I know people who'd easily stack up bans that'd last a couple hours, and they still kept DCing.

    There's a lot of frustration that's been growing among the players over time, and they weren't really able to just "let it out" and DC.

    EDIT: Accessibilty is also an issue in DBD. If they gave us the option to turn off the effects of certain killers (for example Clown, Artist, Doctor, Plague etc) on the side of the person having issues (the survivor) but it would still be visible/audible for everyone else, that would make it more accessible and maybe more enjoyable. I, for example, can't go against Doctor because the noises and constant screams give me migraines, and Plague because the sound of people vomiting makes me want to vomit too.

  2. Perfect question asked! You are right, we should be asking how we make the games more fun/balanced, so DC's do not happen. I always go back to the excuse killer mains use for camping, slugging, and tunneling at 5 gens,,, "This is a legit strat and I paid for the game so why can't I play how I want"? Why doesn't that work in this instance? I paid for the game so why should I be forced to play an Agi, Starstruck, double range add on Nurse with gen slow down perks??? A BP penalty reduction is perfect, I think. Take a significant amount of BP's or Shards away for those who DC.

  3. The game would be objectively better without the dc penalty. Now if someone isn't enjoying the experience or having fun they can quit and move on to another match that is enjoyable. There would be a lot less toxicity because now people don't have to sit through games where they are being tunneld and camped and killers don't have to sit through games with a 4 man bully squad.

  4. totally unrelated question: why dont they just replace the players with bots when they dc like they do on mobile? atleast that way it wont rlly be a waste of time for the other players and killer. Unless the pc and console version alr does that- (i personally never rlly cared about dcing and junk because of that system)

  5. As some who play both killer and survivor I think the DC penalty is absolutely needed. Sure they’re matches that can be unfun, but people need to remind themselves it’s just a game. Additionally it is really unfair to the other survivors if you DC, they shouldn’t have to suffer because you wanted a easy way out.

  6. As someone who had horrible internet that would D/C almost constantly in my matches, it was horribly frustrated to be punished for something I had NO control over. If they could determine if it was an intentional D/C or not I think would help.

  7. As someone who has NEVER DC'd out of a game before in DBD (I'm being serious), I'm very on the fence with this. Like you said, there are very good arguments for both sides, and I can relate to both sides because I play both Killer and Survivor a lot. I do think that DBD needs some time to balance itself before a DC penalty should be set in place, then, when it's in a healthier state (seriously, 6.1.0 has really fucked this game up) then we can continue with DC penalties.

  8. I feel like if they did fully remove the dc penalty, they should do what overwatch does with priority re-queues where if the server crashes or most of your team leaves you get priority in queuing up and get into games faster. It'd help killers with insanely long queue times if a team dc-ed against them

  9. Oh my god finally I don’t have to go against a spirit main with corrupt intervention, pop goes the weasel, save the best for last and noed with mother daughter add on 🙂

  10. The DC penalty being lifted has honestly been super liberating for me. I'm not a player to DC at the smallest thing – I'll normally play the game out regardless of who it is. Agi starstruck nurse on midwich? Camping a 3 gen with overcharge + cob + eruption? I'll try my best or die trying.

    The only times I've DC'ed before is when the killer adamantly slugs for the 4k over and over in a 2v1, after getting picked up over and over. At that point you're literally wasting my time for something so insignificant – I'd rather not stay.

    It's been so nice to just say "nope" when I'm put in a super unfun situation like that and not be penalized for it.

  11. What I think about the dc shouldn’t increase it should stay a set time. Like apex for example (if you dc in rank ) you get a 9 minute ban ever time. Because if the game crashes you can get banned for powers out and stuff. If it continues to stay it should never increase and just stay 5 minute ban every time you dc

  12. The only times I dc as survivor are when I am slugged and my team does absolutely nothing. I'm talking just hiding near me. Not doing gens. Not picking up. Me dcing won't harm my team in any way in that case since they don't use their time whatsoever.

  13. Honestly, as someone with a really unstable internet connection, I think the dc penalty is really dumb. If you are going to punish me for that, at least allow me to reconnect with the stupid match

  14. if ur the type of person to DC at the smallest thing and just ruin the entire expereince for everyone?? yes it deservrs to exist….BUT i do believe that if u were to lost internet or if the game crash the devs should make a way to recognize that so ur not penalized about it….. I also think if u were to leave a match after someone else did then you shouldnt be penalized because matches like that as survivor where ur team mate bails isnt fucking fun at all, also DCing survivorsshould count as hook actions for killers


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